Complete Enrollment

Read time: 6 minutes

To re-enroll, log into CT WiZ. In the left menu, click on “Clinic Tools” and then "Enrollments" to complete the process.


Please remember that the Physician Signing the Agreement (or equivalent) must log into CT WiZ with their CT WiZ account to electronically sign the agreement. The primary coordinator cannot sign the agreement for the physician.


The required training for the 2022 Re Enrollment was for the primary and back-up coordinators to attend the September 21, 2021 CVP Webinar. If you were unable to attend, please view the recording.


Need help completing the enrollment?
Review these provider profile re-enrollment tips (PDF). Ask your questions by attending CoVP/CVP Enrollment Office Hours every Monday from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm. These sessions provide CVP and COVID-19 Vaccinating providers information about the enrollment process in CT WiZ. Click to join CoVP/CVP CT WiZ.

CT Wiz for Public General Public Enrollment and Re-Enrollment