Statewide Health Information Technology Plan 2022-2026


Connecticut's first Five-Year (2022-2026) Statewide Health Information Technology Plan was developed by the Office of Health Strategy in accordance with C.G.S. §17b-59a. The Health IT Plan is a roadmap for advancing the State's use of technology and data to improve patient and community health outcomes, promote efficiency in the healthcare delivery system, and provide resources for holistic, person-centered systems of care that reduce health disparities and address patients' health-related social needed.

The Health IT Plan was officially submitted to the General Assembly in February of 2022. 

The Health IT Plan is a living document, reviewed annually to ensure ongoing alignment with state priorities and incorporating technology advancements over time. 

The Health IT Plan is comprised of six strategic focus areas as outlined below. The full plan and all key activities may be viewed here

Five-Year Statewide Health IT Plan Focus Areas



