Statewide Health Information Technology Plan 2022-2026

Environmental Scan Findings and Draft Recommendations Feedback Sessions

Five-Year Statewide Health IT Plan

Environmental Scan Findings and Draft Recommendations

Please provide public comment and join us for a series of virtual online feedback sessions

Connecticut’s Office of Health Strategy and the Health Information Technology Advisory Council encourage you to provide feedback on the Environmental Scan Findings and Draft Recommendations Report (eScan Report). We welcome your public comment and participation in a series of interactive stakeholder feedback sessions. The Office of Health Strategy and the advisory council are hosting a series of three interactive online feedback sessions to help inform Connecticut’s Five-Year Statewide Health IT Plan.

Webinar Schedule

Environmental Scan Findings and Draft Recommendations

Session #1: July 23rd, 2021, 12:00 – 1:30 PM Eastern Time


Session #2: July 28, 2021, 12:00 – 1:30 PM Eastern Time


Session #3: August 5, 2021, 10:00 – 11:30 AM Eastern Time


The eScan Report details the stakeholder engagement campaign conducted by consulting partner CedarBridge Group with more than 1,200 Connecticut residents, including 502 individuals and more than 600 organizations representing the health and human services ecosystem. Input on the current state and future desires for health IT and health data exchange has been synthesized to produce major themes and findings that cut across different health sectors, along with findings specific to individual sectors (e.g., behavioral health, hospitals, community-based organizations, etc.).

Based on the consensus opportunities, challenges, innovations, and barriers communicated by Connecticut stakeholders, recommendations for advancing Connecticut’s health IT capabilities have been drafted in the following topic areas:

  1. Strategies for Widespread Use and Sustainability of Connie
  2. Systems and Strategies to Address Social Determinants of Health
  3. Service Coordination and Data Integration Across State Agencies
  4. Support Adoption of EHRs and HIE Services by Behavioral Health Providers
  5. A Best Possible Medication History HIE Service, Connected Through Connie
  6. Health Information Privacy to Protect Individuals and Families

To learn more about the process for developing Connecticut’s Five-Year Statewide Health Information Technology Plan, register for our interactive online feedback sessions at the links provided below or contact our planning partners, consulting firm CedarBridge Group, at
