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Juvenile Review Board (JRB) Grant Program-Overview


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This program is a 1 year, “stop gap” measure designed to replace funds which were not appropriated by the General Assembly in its 2019 budget.  These grants will be funded by the federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP):

  • This is a “one-time” grant program using Federal grant funds which are no longer available to the State of Connecticut after Fiscal Year 2019.

  • The total available funds were pro-rated to achieve an 88.7% restoration of previously appropriated funding FY 2018 levels for each JRB.

  • No future “continuation” or “supplemental” funds will be available.

  • Funds cannot be provided directly to local non-profit organizations due to the statutory specifications of the federal grant.  These grant funds must be granted directly to municipalities.  All non-profit and/or regional non-profit entities managing JRB’s will have to work with their associated municipalities to affect an appropriate transfer of the funds.


Therefore, there are no archives as this was only funded once.