Guidelines for the Sexual Health Education Component of Comprehensive Health Education


A Call to Action!

Today’s students are faced with a myriad of health and mental health issues, such as unplanned teen pregnancy, suicide, depression, asthma and obesity. These health issues impede academic outcomes. Research consistently concludes that student health status and student achievement are directly connected, and that student health is one of the most significant influences on learning and achievement. Therefore, it is imperative for health education to be a prominent program of study within Connecticut schools, as outlined in Connecticut General Statutes Sections 10-16b, 10-16c, 10-19(a) and 10-19(b). Sexual health education is one vital component of a planned, ongoing and systematic health education program. These planned health programs provide an opportunity for students to receive information that promotes their health and well-being. 

To help districts address sexual health education, the State Board of Education directed the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) to develop a resource guide. The Guidelines for the Sexual Health Education Component of Comprehensive Health Education (CT Guidelines) is a companion document to the Healthy & Balanced Living Curriculum Framework and provides guidance to school districts when developing policies, programs, curriculum and instruction in sexual health education. 

The CT Guidelines are based on the National Health Education Standards, the National Sexuality Education Standards, and supported by several state-level documents including the Department of Public Health’s Adolescent Health State Strategic Plan and the CSDE’s Guidelines for a Coordinated Approach to School Health. 

For more information on the CSDE’s Guidelines for the Sexual Health Education Component of Comprehensive Health Education, contact: 

Stephanie G. Knutson, M.S.N., R.N.
School Health Consultant
Connecticut State Department of Education
Bureau of Health/Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 504,
Hartford, CT 06103

Stefan Pryor
Commissioner of Education