Guidelines for the Sexual Health Education Component of Comprehensive Health Education

Sexual Health Education Curriculum Framework

In this section:

three girls looking at an ipod music player

The Sexual Health Education Curriculum Framework includes eight content standards that mirror the Connecticut State Department of Education's Healthy & Balanced Living Curriculum Framework and are specific to sexual health education.Each standard is prefaced with a narrative that provides a foundation and an explanation of the performance indicators identified within the standard, an essential question and a curricular outcome. These performance indicators build upon the existing indicators listed in the Healthy & Balanced Living Curriculum Framework

The Sexual Health Education Curriculum Framework, a companion document to the HBLCF, is to be used as a resource when developing curriculum, programs and instruction in sexual health education. 

Content Standard 1: Core Concepts: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Social Growth and Development

Narrative:  The intent of this standard is to provide a foundation of knowledge about the interrelationships of physical, emotional, and cognitive growth and development on behavior and health, interactions within the human body and the prevention of diseases and other health problems. Comprehension of current health information enables students to become health-literate, self-directed learners, which establishes a foundation for healthy and balanced living. The following topics will be addressed in relation to sexual health education: human growth and development; injury and disease prevention; mental and emotional health; relationships; community/environmental health; and alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.  

Essential Question: What do I need to know about my growth and development and its relationship to that of others to stay healthy?

Curricular Outcome: Students will comprehend concepts related to physical, mental, emotional, and social development and the impact on self and others.

By Kindergarten, students will:
By Grade 4,
students will:

By Grade 8,
students will:

By Grade 12,
students will:

Content Standard 1: Core Concepts: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Social Growth and Development

P.1.1 Identify displays of affection with appropriate people and situations 

E1.1 Describe and demonstrate appropriate ways to express affection with different people in various situations

M.1.1 Examine appropriate and healthy ways to express affection, love, friendship and concern

H.1.1 Compare, contrast and analyze appropriate ways to express needs, wants and feelings in relationships

P.1.2a Describe similarities and differences between self and others and understand that the body is good and special 

E.1.2a  Identify characteristics of positive self-esteem and self-respect 

M.1.2.a Explain how  body image and self-esteem can impact  decision-making regarding sexual behaviors 

H.1.2. Analyze and evaluate the impact that self-esteem and self-respect have on decision-making regarding sexual behaviors.

P.1.2.b Describe all of the qualities and characteristics that make them special (physical, emotional, mental) 

E.1.2.b Explain the likely impact of good health habits on self-esteem and how a
person feels about his/her body 







P.1.2.c Identify and describe functions of body parts (e.g. stomach, feet, hands, ears, eyes, mouth) and identify those parts of the body that are considered private 

E.1.2.c Use proper names for body parts including gender specific anatomy 

M.1.2.c Describe male and female reproductive and sexual systems and how they work

H.1.2.c Describe how the reproductive, endocrine, nervous and sexual systems work together  




E.1.2.d Explain that puberty, human growth and development can vary considerably 

M.1.2.d Describe puberty and the process of human reproduction








E.1.2.e Describe the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty 

M.1.2.e. Describe the interrelationship of mental, emotional, social and physical health during puberty and adolescence




P.1.3.a Describe different types of families 

E.1.3.a Describe healthy families and a healthy family environment 

M.1.3 Examine how families may change over time, and the impact these changes may have on the family structure and individual members

H.1.3 Evaluate how families can influence the health of individuals

P.1.3.b Identify how families can influence personal health 

E.1.3.b Describe how families may change over time and the impact those changes may have 







P.1.4 Describe characteristics of a friend 

E.1.4 Discuss qualities of a healthy relationship 

M.1.4.a Compare and contrast the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships  

H.1.4.a Analyze factors that may contribute to a healthy and unhealthy relationship 







M.1.4.b Analyze the differences and similarities between friendships and romantic relationships




P.1.5.a Describe a healthy and safe environment 

E.1.5 Examine how physical, social, cultural and emotional environments influence personal health

M.1.5.a Analyze ways in which the physical, social, cultural and emotional environment and personal health are interrelated.

H.1.5 Analyze how physical, social, cultural and emotional environments may influence sexual health



E.1.6 Explain the importance of setting and respecting personal boundaries

M.1.6. Describe healthy and unhealthy dating practices (e.g. values, culture, dating violence)

H.1.6.a Compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy dating practices (e.g. values, culture, dating violence)







H.1.6.b Analyze the impact of cultural change through the generations on sexual health issues

P.1.6.c Describe appropriate and inappropriate touch

E.1.6.c Explain that everyone, including children, have a right to tell others not to touch their body when they do not want to be touched



H.1.6.c Define and describe healthy sexuality and sexual expression throughout the life span







H.1.6.d Research and analyze data about sexual behavior among teenagers





M.1.6.e  Differentiate between gender identity, sexual orientation, and the concept of gender roles

H.1.6.e  Differentiate between biological sex, sexual orientation and gender identity



E.1.6.f  Describe different ways in which people express their gender (e.g., dress, play, choice of jobs) 



H.1.6.f Differentiate between sexual orientation, behavior and identity

P.1.7 Identify and practice behaviors that help to prevent disease and other health problems 

E.1.7 Identify and discuss personal behaviors that protect from disease.

M.1.7.a.  Explain the value of abstinence and/or choosing to abstain after having already engaged in sexual activity

H.1.7.a Describe situations in which someone might choose to abstain from sexual activity after already engaging in the behavior, and assess the barriers that might be encountered in implementing this decision.





M.1.7.b. Identify the methods of contraception and how they work







M.1.8 Identify and discuss the impact of teenage pregnancy and parenthood (e.g. future goals, financial, graduation, college)

H.1.8.a Research and analyze the impact of teenage pregnancy and parenthood on society







H.1.8.b Compare and contrast the legal rights and responsibilities of adolescents about pregnancy and parenting







H.1.9  Discuss important health assessments,  screenings and examinations that are necessary to maintain reproductive health  throughout the lifespan (e.g. testicular self-examinations, breast self-examinations and Pap smears)

P.1.10 Discuss germs and their connection to illness

E.1.10 Define the terms communicable (infectious) and non-communicable (non-infectious) diseases and identify ways to help prevent disease (e.g. HIV/AIDS)

M.1.10 Discuss HIV/STD and hepatitis infections as it relates to higher risk behaviors, modes of transmission and prevention methods 

H.1.10.a Analyze the  modes of transmission, prevention methods, signs and symptoms, testing and treatments for HIV/STD infections 







H.1.10.b Research and analyze the demographic and impact of HIV/AIDS on different populations and in different regions of the world







H.1.10.c Examine the stereotypes and discrimination that exist and describe the impact this has on people living with HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases

Content Standard 2: Accessing Health Information and Resources

Narrative:  This standard addresses the ability of the learner to enhance health and to access valid health information, products and services. Critical thinking involves the ability to identify valid health information and to analyze, select and access reliable health-promotion products and services.

Essential Question: How and where do I find valid sexual health information and resources?

Curricular Outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid sexual health information, products and services.

By Kindergarten, students will:
By Grade 4,
students will:

By Grade 8,
students will:

By Grade 12,
students will:

Content Standard 2: Accessing Health Information and Resources

P.2.1  Identify characteristics of a trusted adult 

E.2.1 Identify a trusted adult who can provide accurate information about puberty and personal hygiene 

M.2.1 Identify a trusted adult who can provide accurate information about puberty, adolescent development and sexuality 

H.2.1 Analyze and evaluate service providers and resources for health care services related to sexual health (e.g. counseling, testing, school based health centers, pediatrician, reproductive health care) 

P.2.2 Demonstrate the ability to seek health information from trusted adults 

E.2.2 Demonstrate the ability to locate resources at home, school and in the community that provide valid health information

M.2.2 Distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources of information on sexual health (e.g. internet and social media) 

H.2.2 Analyze and evaluate medically accurate and reliable information about sexual health (e.g. internet and social media) 

P.2.3 Demonstrate the ability to seek help from trusted adults 

E.2.3 Discuss existing laws that are intended to protect young people from being exploited, harassed or bullied

M.2.3.a Identify the process for getting help and to report sexual harassment, sexual assault, child abuse, human trafficking, bullying and other types of violence 

H.2.3 Analyze existing laws and policies designed to protect young people from sexual harassment, sexual assault, child abuse, human trafficking, sexual exploitation, bullying and other types of violence 





M.2.3.b Discuss the legal age of consent for sexual behaviors in Connecticut



Content Standard 3: Self-Management of Healthy Behaviors 

Narrative:  The intent of this standard is the achievement of self-initiated behaviors that promote a healthy and balanced life. Health-promoting strategies will use knowledge and skills that help students become critical thinkers and effective problem-solvers with a goal of achieving sexual health throughout the life span.

Essential Question: What can I do to achieve sexual health?

Curricular Outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors to avoid and reduce sexual health risks.

By Kindergarten, students will:
By Grade 4,
students will:

By Grade 8,
students will:

By Grade 12,
students will:

Content Standard 3: Self-Management of Healthy Behaviors

P.3.1 Demonstrate how to appropriately express feelings in a healthy way 

E.3.1 Discuss strategies for expressing feelings appropriately 

M.3.1 Demonstrate the ability to use self-control and express feelings appropriately 

H.3.1 Evaluate the effectiveness and outcomes of self-control strategies and ways to express feelings appropriately

P.3.2.a  Identify personal behaviors that are health-enhancing 

E.3.2 Discuss personal behaviors that are health-enhancing 

M.3.2.a Identify strategies  that an individual could use to abstain or delay sexual intercourse  

H.3.2 Analyze and evaluate strategies  that an individual could use to abstain or delay sexual intercourse 

P.3.2.b Demonstrate good hygiene practices to improve and maintain health 



M.3.2.b Describe abstinence and its role in maintaining sexual health 









H.3.3 Describe appropriate reproductive health care throughout the life span 





M.3.4 Discuss the importance of personal responsibility for sexual behavior, including abstinence and sexual and reproductive health 

H.3.4 Evaluate the importance of personal responsibility as it pertains to sexual behavior, abstinence, sexual and reproductive health 





M.3.5.a Identify strategies to use social media safely and respectfully

H.3.5.a Describe strategies to use social media safely and respectfully





M.3.5.b Identify sexual exploitation and behaviors that are perceived as sexually coercive and resources to address these concerns 

H.3.5.b Analyze strategies for avoiding and addressing sexual exploitation and behaviors that may be perceived as sexually coercive (e.g. internet, social media, dating)





M.3.6 Identify and discuss the value of postponing sexual activity, the methods and effectiveness of contraception and ways to protect oneself from communicable diseases (e.g. STD/HIV) 

H.3.6 Analyze the value of postponing sexual activity, the methods and effectiveness of contraception and ways to protect oneself from communicable diseases (e.g. STD/HIV) 

P.3.7 Demonstrate ways to treat self and others with dignity and respect

E.3.7 Identify ways in which an individual could respond in a situation when they or someone else is being bullied or harassed

M.3.7 Discuss ways in which an individual could respond in a situation when they or someone else is being bullied or harassed

H.3.7 Compare and contrast ways in which an individual could respond in a situation when they or someone else is being bullied or harassed

Content Standard 4: Analyzing Internal and External Influences 

Narrative:  The intent of this standard is to develop an awareness of the variety of influences and factors that co-exist within society. Diverse internal and external factors influence and shape the way students develop, learn about and express their sexuality.

Essential Question: What influences my attitudes, behaviors and decisions related to my sexual health?

Curricular Outcome: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on sexual health attitudes, behaviors and decisions.

By Kindergarten, students will:
By Grade 4,
students will:

By Grade 8,
students will:

By Grade 12,
students will:

Content Standard 4: Analyzing Internal and External Influences
P.4.1  Discuss their roles in the family and the roles of their parents / guardians
E.4.1 Describe what influences behaviors, attitudes and decisions
M.4.1 Describe how internal and external influences affect sexual behavior, attitudes and decisions
H.4.1.a Analyze how internal and external influences affect sexual feelings, behavior, attitudes and decisions







H.4.1.b Examine personal values and how they influence relationships and sexual decision-making
P.4.2 Discuss the influence of media and technology on personal health
E.4.2.a Describe how culture, media, technology and people may influence the attitudes, behaviors and decisions of young people (e.g. attractiveness, body image, relationships, self-esteem)
M.4.2 Analyze a variety of external sources that may influence sexual decision making and sexual behavior (e.g. parents, family values,  media, internet, culture, peers, society)
H.4.2 Evaluate the effects of external influences on sexual decision-making (e.g. parents, family values, media, internet, culture, peers, society)



E.4.2.b Compare positive and negative ways peers influence behaviors







E.4.4 Identify the ways in which technology can impact physical and emotional safety (e.g. internet, texting)
M.4.3 Analyze the influence of alcohol and other drugs on sexual behavior and sexual health
H.4.3 Evaluate the influence of alcohol and other drugs on sexual behavior and sexual health





M.4.4.a  Describe the ways in which technology can impact physical and emotional safety (e.g. internet, social media, texting)
H.4.4.a  Analyze ways in which technology can impact physical and emotional safety (e.g. internet, social media, texting)





M.4.4.b Explain how sexual exploitation can occur on the internet, social media or other
M.4.4.b Analyze the various forms of sexual exploitation via the internet, social media and other means and identify prevention/intervention strategies

Content Standard 5: Communication Skills

Narrative: The intent of this standard is to develop the ability of the learner to use effective communication to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. Effective communication includes the of use verbal and non-verbal skills and is an essential component in developing and maintaining healthy, personal relationships. 

Essential Question: What interpersonal communication skills do I need in order to have a positive effect on my sexual health?

Curricular Outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to avoid or reduce health risks and contribute to sexual health.

By Kindergarten, students will:
By Grade 4,
students will:

By Grade 8,
students will:

By Grade 12,
students will:

Content Standard 5: Communication Skills
P.5.1a Describe various ways people can communicate
E.5.1 Identify various communication styles and the appropriate use of each (e.g. passive, assertive, aggressive, other)
M.5.1.a. Discuss what influences ones decision to use various communication styles in developing and sustaining healthy relationships
H.5.1 Analyze the effectiveness of the various communication styles in developing and sustaining relationships





M.5.1.b Demonstrate positive ways to communicate differences of opinion while maintaining relationships





E.5.2 Demonstrate healthy ways to express emotions and feelings (e.g. affection, love, friendship, concern, empathy)
M.5.2 Identify and demonstrate verbal and non-verbal skills to refuse pressure to engage in sexual risk and other higher risk behaviors (e.g. smoking, drinking)
H.5.2 Analyze the effectiveness of verbal and non-verbal skills to refuse pressure to engage in sexual risk and other higher risk behaviors (e.g. smoking, drinking)



E.5.3 Describe and demonstrate effective negotiation and refusal skills
M.5.3 Demonstrate effective negotiation and refusal skills to avoid sexual risk behaviors
H.5.3 Analyze and evaluate effective negotiation and refusal skills for avoiding higher risk sexual behaviors (e.g. maintaining abstinence, consistent use of contraceptives; discuss HIV/STD status)
P.5.4.a Identify and practice healthy ways to express needs, wants and feelings
E.5.4.a Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants and feelings
M.5.4.a Demonstrate how to communicate clear expectations, boundaries, personal safety strategies and clear limits on sexual behaviors
H.5.4.a Analyze the effectiveness of communicating clear expectations, boundaries, personal safety strategies and clear limits on sexual behaviors



E.5.4.b Demonstrate ways to take action if someone is talking to you or touching you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable





P.5.4.c Identify healthy ways to express empathy for others
E.5.4.c Demonstrate healthy ways to express empathy for others
M.5.4.c Analyze healthy ways to express empathy for others
H.5.4.c Compare and contrast healthy ways to express empathy for others



E. 5.4.d Demonstrate ways to show respect for different types of families







E.5.5 Identify various forms of communication that constitutes sexual harassment; discuss existing laws that are intended to protect young people from being exploited; and identify a trusted adult with whom you can confide
M.5.5 Discuss various forms of communication that constitutes sexual harassment and identify the process for reporting incidents of sexual harassment and other types of violence
H.5.5 Analyze how the use of manipulation and sexual harassment impacts relationships and the existing laws and policies designed to protect young people from sexual harassment and other types of violence







H.5.6 Explain the impact of culture and gender on the interpretation of various communication styles and methods

Content Standard 6: Decision-Making Skills

Narrative: The intent of this standard is to develop the ability of the learner to use decision-making skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. Effective decision-making is essential in developing sexual health and maintaining healthy personal relationships.

Essential Question: What decision-making skills do I need to maintain my sexual health?

Curricular Outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills that contribute to sexual health.

By Kindergarten, students will:
By Grade 4,
students will:

By Grade 8,
students will:

By Grade 12,
students will:

Content Standard 6: Decision-Making Skills
P.6.1 Identify and discuss choices that enhance health
E.6.1 Demonstrate the ability to apply a decision-making process to enhance health
M.6.1 Describe the impact that external influences (e.g. partners, peers, family, community) have on decision-making about abstinence, sexual activity and sexual health
H.6.1 Analyze the impact that external influences (e.g. partners, peers, family, community) have on decision-making about abstinence, sexual activity and sexual health
P.6.2 Identify adults who can assist in making health-related decisions
E.6.2 Explain how personal decisions have an impact on self and others
M.6.2 Predict how deciding to remain abstinent protects ones' sexual health
H.6.2 Predict the immediate and long-term impact of sexual health decisions on the individual, family and community



E.6.3. Identify factors that would influence one's ability to make responsible healthy decisions (e.g. peer pressure, substance abuse)
M.6.3 Explain how the use of alcohol and other drugs impacts the decision to remain abstinent or be sexually active
H.6.3 Research and examine possible outcomes of alcohol and other drug use related to sexual activity

Content Standard 7: Goal-Setting Skills

Narrative: The intent of this standard is to provide the learner with skills to implement a goal-setting process to promote health. These essential life-long skills enable individuals to formulate and implement an effective plan that addresses their sexual health.  

Essential Question: How do I use the goal-setting process to take responsibility for my sexual health?

Curricular Outcome: Students will use goal-setting skills to contribute to sexual health.

By Kindergarten, students will:
By Grade 4,
students will:

By Grade 8,
students will:

By Grade 12,
students will:

Content Standard 7: Goal-Setting Skills
P.7.1 Identify a healthy goal
E.7.1 Identify personal goals and demonstrate the ability to apply a goal setting process to enhance health
M.7.1 Discuss how internal and external influences may affect goal-setting (e.g. personal choices, sexual health, behaviors, family, peers, community, culture)
H.7.1 Analyze how internal and external influences may affect goal-setting (e.g. personal choices, sexual health, behaviors, family, peers, community, culture)

Content Standard 8: Advocacy

Narrative: The intent of this standard is to develop skills in advocating for oneself, family and community; and encouraging others to access and provide accurate information in order to make positive choices that contribute to sexual health.  

Essential question: What can I do to advocate for responsible behaviors related to sexual health based on accurate health information?

Curricular Outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate and support others in making responsible choices related to sexual health.

By Kindergarten, students will:
By Grade 4,
students will:

By Grade 8,
students will:

By Grade 12,
students will:

Content Standard 8: Advocacy
P.8.1.a Demonstrate through play fairness and respect for others
E. 8.1 Demonstrate positive ways to show care, consideration and concern for others
M.8.1 Formulate a plan to engage in an experience of caring, compassion and advocating for others (e.g., community service)
H.8.1 Engage in authentic experiences of caring, compassion and advocating for others (e.g. community service)
P.8.1.b Discuss positive ways to show care, consideration and concern for others
E.8.2 Define the impact stereotypes may have on people and how one might counter a stereotype
M.8.2 Describe the impact discrimination has on people and how to address bias and discrimination
H.8.2 Research laws and policies; plan and engage in activities that advocate against bias and discrimination
E.8.3 Describe ways to promote positive, healthy interpersonal relationships with respect and appreciation for each other
M.8.3 Discuss the benefits of and advocate for developmentally appropriate, medically accurate sexual health education
H.8.3.a Demonstrate ways to advocate for responsible behaviors that promote sexual health (e.g. health screenings, healthy relationships, access to reproductive health care)
H.8.3.b Develop a campaign to advocate for developmentally appropriate, medically accurate sexual health education programs and services (e.g. school-based health centers)
E.8.4 Persuade others to take action when someone else is being bullied or harassed
M.8.4 Advocate for safe environments that encourage dignified and respectful treatment of others
H.8.4 Advocate for school policies and programs that promote dignified and respectful treatment for all