Answer: An interdistrict magnet school is a publicly funded school that may be operated by local and regional boards of education, regional educational service centers, the Board of Trustees of the Community-Technical Colleges on behalf of Quinebaug Valley Community College and Three Rivers Community College, or by cooperative arrangements between two or more districts.
To assist the state in meeting the goals of the 2008 stipulation and order for Milo Sheff, et al. v. William A. O’Neill, et al., the Board of Trustees of the Community-Technical Colleges on behalf of a regional community-technical college, the Board of Trustees of the Connecticut State University System on behalf of a state university, the Board of Trustees of The University of Connecticut on behalf of the university, the board of governors for an independent college or university, as defined in section Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 10a-37, or the equivalent of such a board, on behalf of the independent college or university, and any other third-party not-for-profit corporation approved by the Commissioner of Education may operate an interdistrict magnet school program.
All interdistrict magnet schools must operate in accordance with the same laws and regulations applicable to public schools.