How do school administrators from other states apply for certification in Connecticut?

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How to apply for school administrator certification

If you’re a certified administrator from another state, please follow these steps to apply for administrator certification in Connecticut.

IMPORTANT: Follow the application process for enhanced reciprocity state if you are from DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, PR, RI, VA, VT. Or use the process if you are from another country.


1. Complete the online or paper-based ED 170 application. Include your nonrefundable $50 application review payment.

IMPORTANT: We don’t accept personal checks. If you apply by mail, please pay with a cashier’s check, certified bank check, or money order made payable to: Treasurer, State of Connecticut.


2. ED 125 – Statement of Preparing Higher Education Institution: Please have the college, university, or other program provider complete this form and mail it to us. It must be completed and signed by the Certification Officer or Dean.


3. ED 126 – Statements of Professional Experience: Please have this form completed and mailed to us. It must be signed by the superintendent or executive director. 

  • To be eligible for the (#092) Intermediate Administration/Supervision endorsement, you must successfully complete at least 50 school months of teaching and/or service under a valid out-of-state certificate.
  • To be eligible for the (#093) Superintendent endorsement, you must successfully complete at least 80 school months of successful teaching or service under a valid out-of-state certificate, INCLUDING at least 30 school months of successful administrative service under a valid out-of-state administrative certificate.


4. ED 711  Verification of Out-of-State Educator Certification Tests: Please have the test provider, department of education, or other authorized state agency complete this form, sign it, and mail it to us. 


5. Submit Official Transcripts: You can mail your official undergraduate and graduate transcripts with conferral date to us or have the university(ies) send e-transcripts to us at

IMPORTANT: If you graduated from a university outside the U.S., please work with one of the following companies to have your coursework evaluated for our final review: 


6. Take the Connecticut Administrator Test: If you have fulfilled all the qualifications except for an assessment test, we will issue an interim (temporary) certification. You will have three years to pass the Connecticut Administrator Test, which is proctored by ETS. We encourage you to prepare for the exam with ETS’ test preparation materials and practice test

  • Assessment test exemption: If you are applying for an Intermediate Administration/Supervision (092) endorsement and can document at least 30 months of successful administrative experience under a valid out-of-state certificate, you may be exempt from the CT administration test.
  • Assessment test deferral: If you are applying for an Intermediate Administration/Supervision (092) endorsement and do not have sufficient experience to waive testing, you can be given a three-year testing deferral.

Once the Bureau of Certification has determined your eligibility for certification, you will be billed separately for your certificate. You may pay your fee balance online or mail your payment to the Bureau. Send your money order, cashier’s check, or certified bank check made payable to “Treasurer, State of Connecticut.” Personal checks cannot be accepted.

Administrators from Other States