How do I apply for a teaching certificate from an enhanced reciprocity state?

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Applying for certification

Follow a streamlined application process by submitting the following forms and documentation if you have a valid certificate from Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, or Washington, DC. If you are from another state or territory, please follow this process instead.


1. Application form

Complete the online or paper-based ED 170 application. Include your nonrefundable $50 application review payment. 

IMPORTANT: We don’t accept personal checks. If you apply by mail, please pay with a cashier’s check, certified bank check, or money order made payable to: Treasurer, State of Connecticut.


2. Current certificate

Mail a copy of your valid educator certificate to us.

  • It must be from one of the states listed above
  • Temporary, emergency, and interim certificates are not accepted 


3. Form ED 126

Have ED 126 - Statement of Professional Experience completed and signed by the Superintendent or Executive Director. Either you or the organization can mail it to us. Note that we DO NOT accept photocopies, scans, or email versions of this or other signed documents.

If you have completed at least 20 school months of successful experience under an active, full certificate within the last 10 years in one of the states listed above, you may obtain a higher-level of certification known as an eight-year Provisional Educator Certificate.

If you have less than 20 months of successful out-of-state service under an active, full certificate within the last 10 years in one of the states listed above, the ED 126 form will not result in a higher-level of certification.


4. Official transcript (optional)

We recommend submitting your official transcript(s) so that we can add them to your permanent certification file. They will be required in the future if you want to advance to a higher-level certificate.


Official transcript(s) with the degree and conferral date noted on the transcript can be sent in two ways:

  • You or the university can mail it to us in its unopened original envelope
  • The university can email your electronic transcript to


Once the Bureau of Certification has determined your eligibility for certification, you will be billed separately for your certificate. You may pay your fee balance online or mail your payment to the Bureau. Send your money order, cashier’s check, or certified bank checkmade payable to “Treasurer, State of Connecticut.” Personal checks cannot be accepted.


Educators from Enhanced Reciprocity States Educators from Other States