How do teachers from other countries apply for certification in Connecticut?

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How to apply from other countries

We ask teachers from other countries to submit specific information to us and approved agencies for evaluation:

1. Application form 

Complete the online or paper-based ED 170 application. Include your nonrefundable $50 application review payment. 

IMPORTANT: We don’t accept personal checks. If you apply by mail, please pay with a cashier’s check, certified bank check, or money order made payable to: Treasurer, State of Connecticut. 

2. Additional forms and documentation 

Teaching certificate: Mail a copy of your valid license(s) and certificate(s) for all years of service.

ED 125 Statement of Preparing Higher Education Institution: If you completed a teacher preparation program, please have the college, university, or other program provider complete this form and mail it to us. 

ED 126 Statements of Professional Experience: If you have any teaching experience in grades K-12 within the past 10 years, please have the superintendent, district head, Ministry of Education, or other authorized agency complete this form and mail it to us. 

IMPORTANT: Any document in a language other than English must be accompanied by a notarized translation of all information in the original. 

3. Transcripts from U.S. colleges and universities 

You can either: 

  • Mail us your official undergraduate and graduate transcripts 
  • Have the university(ies) mail your transcripts to us or send your e-transcripts to

4. Transcripts from colleges and universities outside the U.S. 

Please work with one of the following companies to have your coursework evaluated for our final review: 


Educators from Other Countries