Which trades, occupations, and technologies can I teach at a vocational-technical or high school?

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Vocational and technical teaching opportunities

Connecticut has teaching opportunities for a wide array of trades, occupations, and technologies. They include these and more: 

  • Agriculture and aquaculture: bioscience, environmental technology, veterinary science
  • Architecture and construction: carpentry, electrical, HVAC, masonry, plumbing, sustainable architecture
  • Arts, audio-video, and communications: digital media, sound production technology
  • Electrical engineering and information technology: electrical engineering, electronics technology, graphics technology, information technology (IT)
  • Health-related: nursing, biotechnology, health technology
  • Hospitality and tourism: culinary arts, hospitality and guest services management, tourism
  • Human services: hairdressing
  • Manufacturing: automated manufacturing technology, mechanical design and engineering, mechatronics, precision machine technology, welding and metal fabrication
  • Marketing: marketing, marketing management, entrepreneurship
  • Transportation: automotive collision repair and refinishing, automotive technology, diesel and heavy-duty equipment repair, aviation maintenance


Vocational Educators