What are the certification requirements for providing a cooperative work education (co-op) experience?

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Certification requirements for providing a co-op job

People who want to offer a cooperative work education experience (endorsement 104) at the high school level must meet a combination of work experience and education requirements: 

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Certified to teach grades 7-12 in Connecticut
  • 30 months of successful teaching experience
  • One year of non-teaching experience
  • A letter from your current and/or previous employers verifying your experience in this career
  • Three credits in the principles and organization of cooperative work education from a regionally accredited college or university
  • Three credits each from a regionally accredited college or university in:
    • Foundations and Principles of Vocational Education
    • Labor and Market Analysis Trends and Job Readiness
  • At least 36 clock hours in special education studies, including understanding the growth and development of exceptional children (children who are handicapped, gifted, talented, or require special education) and methods for identifying, planning for, and working effectively with them in the regular classroom.

Vocational Educators