How to Apply for Social Services
Find information on how to apply for services offered by the Department of Social Services.
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CT Bed Bug Forum and Additional Information, Connecticut Coalition Against Bed Bugs (CCABB)
The Connecticut Coalition Against Bed Bugs (CCABB) provides training and support for health departments, housing authorities, medical facilities, college and universities regarding bed bug management in Connecticut. Anyone interested in learning more can see PowerPoint presentations, newspaper articles and PDFs about bed bug reproduction, behavior and management.
Agency: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment StationCitizens can access the latest drinking water news as well as water quality monitoring schedules, source water protection, and statutes, regulations and federal drinking water rules.
Agency: Department of Public HealthA full listing of forms regarding health and wellness in Connecticut are available from the Department of Public Health (DPH). Some examples of these forms include immunization orders, adverse event reporting, disease reporting forms and state public health laboratory reporting forms.
Agency: Department of Public HealthThe Office of the Attorney General offers people preparing a living will general information about advance directives, appointment of health care representatives, appointment of conservators and organ donation.
Agency: Office of the Attorney GeneralMental Health and Addiction Publications and Reports
A quick reference guide to all publications and reports published by the Department of Public Health (DPH).
Agency: Department of Mental Health and Addiction ServicesUseful information on a variety of health topics including arthritis, cancer, dental, disabilities, family planning, heart disease, teen driving, and more.
Agency: Department of Public HealthPublic Health Statistics and Research
The Department of Public Health (DPH) offers a presentation of data and statistics for 25 of the leading diseases and illnesses affecting Connecticut's public. Some conditions covered are asthma, cancer, drug overdose, influenza, tobacco use prevention and control.
Agency: Department of Public HealthThe Department of Public Health (DPH) publishes quarterly a record of disciplinary actions taken against licensed individuals and organizations.
Agency: Department of Public Health