Paul O. Robertson, Chair
Department of Economic and Community Development designee
The Social Equity Council, as dictated by the adult-use cannabis law, Public Act 21-1, consists of 15 members, seven (7) of whom are appointed by legislators, four (4) of whom are appointed by the governor, and four (4) of whom are state agency members.
Paul O. Robertson, Chair
Department of Economic and Community Development designee
Kevin E. Walton, Sr.
Governor’s Appointee
Kelli Vallieres, Ph.D.
Governor’s Appointee
Marc Pelka
Office of Policy & Management designee
Andrea Comer
Office of the State Treasurer designee
Julianne Avallone
Department of Consumer Protection designee
Subira Gordon
Speaker of the House Appointee
Michael A. Jefferson, Esq
Senate President Appointee
Edwin Shirley
Senate Majority Leader Appointee
Corrie Betts
House Minority Leader Appointee
Avery Gaddis
Senate Minority Leader Appointee
Ojala Naeem
House Majority Leader Appointee
Melvin Medina
Black and Puerto Rican Caucus (BPRC) Chair Appointee
Andrea K Hawkins
Office of the Governor Appointee
Vacant Seat
Office of the Governor Appointee
Ginne-Rae Clay
Executive Director
Karen Colebut
Paralegal Specialist
Kristina Diamond
Communications & Legislative Program Manager
Jennifer Edwards
Program Manager
Komla Matrevi
Staff Attorney
Jennifer Stevens
Associate Accountant
Arlene Galindo-Jimenez
Outreach Program Manager
Vera Lembrick
Reinvestment Program Manager