December 7th, 2021 Agenda - Council Meeting

Read time: 3 minutes

Social Equity Council | Full Council Meeting

Meeting Date and Time: December 7th, 2021, 10:00am - noon

Meeting Type: Special Meeting of the Social Equity Council
Meeting Location: Legislative Office Building (LOB), Hearing Room 1D 300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106

Chair: Andrea Comer


CT-N  plans to stream the meeting.  To view, visit:



Minutes - 11/2/2021

Income / Residency Requirements

Ownership and Control Requirements
Social Equity Plan Criteria

Workforce Development Plan Criteria



1) Call to order and welcome

2) Attendance


3) Approval of Meeting Minutes (11/2/2021)


4) Public Speaking - Members of the public that wish to address the Social Equity Council my participate in the public speaking period must do so in person and sign up before 9:50 A.M.

  • Members of the public must state their name and address for the record.
  • Members of the public will be given three (3) minutes per person for question/comment and response from the Council
  • Public comment period will be at 30 minutes minimum on this date 


5) Committee Reports / Requests for Action

  • Finance Committee                                              Christine Shaw, Chair
    i. Resolution - Request for Action
  • Governance Committee                                       Ojala Naeem, Chair
    i. Resolution - Request for Action
  • Outreach Committee                                            Marilyn Alverio & Subira Gordon, Co-Chairs
    i. Resolution - Approval of Income / Residency Requirements
  • Policy Committee                                                 Edwin Shirley, Chair
    i. Resolution - Approval of Ownership and Control Requirements
    ii. Resolution - Approval of Social Equity Plan Criteria
  • Workforce Committee                                           Kelli-Marie Valleries, Chair
    i. Resolution -Approval of Workforce Development Plan Requirements

6) From the Executive Director                                      Ginne-Rae Clay, Interim Executive Director

7) Presentations

9) For the Good of the Order – New Business, Updates and Information

10) Adjourn

Meeting Agendas