January 4th, 2022 Agenda - Council Meeting

Read time: 3 minutes

Social Equity Council | Full Council Meeting

Meeting Date and Time: January 4th, 2022, 10:00am - noon

Meeting Type: Special Meeting of the Social Equity Council
Meeting Location: Virtual only - via Zoom Webinar Platform

Chair: Andrea Comer


for public comment and viewing of the meeting - the zoom link is below.

CT-N  plans to stream the meeting.  To view, visit: https://ct-n.com

Official meeting information is on the Public Meeting Calendar, here


For Public Access, please click the link below to join the zoom webinar: https://zoom.us/j/98040056439?pwd=R2k0WUtiYVZ3bTJub1NvNmNScitUUT09

Webinar ID: 980 4005 6439 Passcode: 8675309




Minutes - 12/7/2021
Technical Assistance Outreach Framework 
DCP-SEC Application Extension Request Approved letter from DCP



1) Call to order and welcome

2) Attendance


3) Approval of Meeting Minutes (12/7/2021)


4) From the Executive Director                                Ginne-Rae Clay, Interim Executive Director

  1. Resolution: Technical Assistance Plan Approval 

5) Committee Reports/ Requests for Action

  1. Outreach Committee                             Marilyn Alverio & Subira Gordon, Co-Chairs
  2. Finance Committee                               Christine Shaw, Chair
  3. Governance Committee                        Ojala Naeem, Chair
  4. Policy Committee                                  Edwin Shirley, Chair
    1. Discussion on legislative agenda
  5. Workforce Committee                           Kelli-Marie Vallieres, Chair


6) Public Speaking - Members of the public that wish to address the Social Equity Council may participate in the public speaking period.

    • Members of the public may sign up between 9:30 – 9:50 A.M. during the Zoom meeting via the Q&A feature by stating interest in speaking with their name, address and email address, for the record.
    • Members of the public will be given three (3) minutes per person for question/comment and response from the Council 
    • Public comment period will be 30 minutes maximum  

7) For the Good of the Order – New Business, Updates and Information

8) Adjourn

Meeting Agendas