Access to major markets, financial centers and universities — in the heart of America’s northeast corridor.
Close to your customers and connected to the world.
Positioned within 500 miles of 30% of the total U.S. population and two-thirds of the total Canadian population, Connecticut puts you and your business closer to millions of customers. This proximity is optimized by the state’s bold multi-modal, multi-billion-dollar transportation infrastructure investment strategy, which is working to improve highways, bridges, airports, rail and bus systems, freight and ports.
Within 500 miles of Connecticut is...
30% of the U.S.
- Population
- Total Jobs
- Businesses
60%+ of the Canadian
- Population
- Total Jobs
- Businesses
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2017; U.S. Census Bureau, 2016; Statistics Canada, 2017; CERC calculations.