November 13, 2013
Affordable Care Act: Discontinuation of Insurance Plans

The federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) has mandated a number of comprehensive consumer protections to insurance plans beginning January 1, 2014. As a result, some insurance companies may be discontinuing older health plans that no longer meet the minimum requirements of the ACA and will move policyholders into new plans.
Under federal law a health insurer is permitted to discontinue a plan if it provides policyholders with 90 days of advance notice and offers to transition the policyholder to another plan that it does offer.
Beginning in 2014, consumers will have more robust coverage under the ACA. Insurance companies cannot refuse to cover an individual or charge more because of a pre-existing condition. There are no co-pays or out-of-pocket costs for a number of preventive services, a benefit that many policyholders will have for the first time.
A policyholder has several options should his or her carrier opt to discontinue a plan:
  • Accept the replacement plan offered by the carrier.
  • Consider other plans offered by the carrier
  • Consider shopping for plans offered by other carriers
  • Consult an insurance agent who can help explain choices and make recommendations
  • Consider shopping for plans through Access Health CT, the state-sponsored health insurance exchange and only entity in the state where eligible consumers can receive federal subsidies to purchase insurance. Contact Access Health CT on the Web at or phone 1-855-805-4325.
It is important for policyholders to remember that coverage is in place though the 90-day notice period and that there is time to carefully evaluate all options.
For assistance on this matter or any insurance issue, contact the Connecticut Insurance Department Consumer Affairs Unit by email at:, online at Ask a Question or by phone: 800-203-3447. 