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CONSUMER ALERT – May 31, 2023

Medicaid Unwinding in Connecticut

What Consumers Impacted by the Medicaid Unwind Need to Know

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Connecticut took steps to extend health coverage to Medicaid members who enrolled on or after March 18, 2020. This Continuous Enrollment policy was implemented even for people who would no longer have met the eligibility requirements. Due to the end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Continuous Enrollment ended, and the state has resumed the process of evaluating households for eligibility, known as Continuous Enrollment Unwinding or Medicaid Unwinding.

Although the Connecticut Insurance Department (CID) does not have jurisdiction over Medicaid, it is important to remind consumers about how the Medicaid Unwinding could impact their health coverage.

Those who are affected by the Medicaid Unwinding and need to choose a new health plan will have 120 days to enroll after the loss of Medicaid coverage. In addition, there are always Special Enrollment Periods for Qualifying Life Events.

What You Can Do:

  • Carefully review any notices that you receive from the Department of Social Services (DSS) and Access Health CT.
    • If there are any changes that may impact your benefits, you will be notified through mail.
  • Make sure your address and phone number are up to date with the Department of Social Services (DSS).
  • Visit the DSS website and follow their social media accounts for updates.
  • Attend Access Health CT’s free, in-person events to help Connecticut residents with the enrollment process.
  • Visit and chat with a customer service representative online or over the phone and find additional information.

For further information visit the HUSKY Health PHE Unwinding FAQs page or contact the Connecticut Insurance Department at or call 860-297-3900.

