Council on Developmental Services
Department of Developmental Services
The Council on Developmental Services was established to advise and consult on issues affecting the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and its programs and services for Connecticut residents with intellectual disability and their families. In consultation with the Commissioner of Developmental Services, the Council recommends to the Governor and the Connecticut General Assembly legislation that would enhance and improve the quality of the programs and services provided by the department. The Council, with input from the public, advocates for all persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities in Connecticut.
The council membership is comprised of fifteen members appointed as follows: eight are appointed by the Governor, for two-year terms, one of whom shall be a doctor of medicine, one of whom shall be a person with intellectual disability who is receiving services from the Department of Developmental Services and at least two of whom shall be a relative or a guardian of a person with intellectual disability. Six members are appointed by members of the General Assembly for two-year terms, one of whom shall be a relative or guardian of a person with intellectual disability appointed by the speaker of the House, one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the House, one of whom shall be appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be a person with autism spectrum disorder who is receiving, or has received, services from the department's Division of Autism Spectrum Disorder Services appointed by the majority leader of the House, one of whom shall be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, and one of whom shall be a relative or guardian of a person with intellectual disability appointed by the minority leader of the Senate. One appointment to the council is required to be a member of the board of trustees of the Southbury Training School, appointed by the board for a term of one year. The Commissioner of Developmental Services is an ex-officio member of the Council without a vote and attends the monthly meetings.
Kevin Zingler - Chair
Patti Silva - Vice Chair
Richard Rothstein - Secretary
Diana Mennone
Frederick Lenz Jr.
Deborah Ullman
Lisa Weisinger-Roland
Adrienne Benjamin
Joseph Duffy
Brian Dillon
Pamela DonAroma
Christine Hainsworth-Straus
Arlene Reith
Kelly Dorsey
Guidelines for Public Participation at Council on Developmental Services Meetings
At each meeting of the Council on Developmental Services, time is set aside for “Public Participation.” Usually, “Public Participation” is the first item on the council’s agenda. Individuals offering oral or written comments need to provide their name, home address and if they are representing a group or organization.
Comments may be presented on issues related to or under the authority of the Department of Developmental Services. In order to complete the council’s meeting agenda in a timely fashion, the council reserves the right to limit the length of public comment during a meeting. Each individual wishing to speak before the council is allowed three minutes in which to comment. The chairperson may request that a spokesperson be delegated from among persons wishing to speak on similar subject matter. The chairperson may limit public comments to the first thirty minutes of a council meeting.