What's New in Air Permitting?

January 25, 2017
This certification demonstrates that Connecticut's NNSR program contains the required elements appropriate to the state-wide designation of moderate nonattainment for the 2008 ozone national ambient air quality standard, while retaining elements from prior more stringent designations.
February 17, 2016
Air Permit Contact Sheet
Permittees may now obtain assistance in identifying the appropriate group or individual within the Bureau of Air Management's Engineering and Enforcement Division to contact for information concerning an issued permit or approval of registration using the new Air Permit Contact Sheet. The document may be found in the Contact Us and Air Permitting Assistance sections of our website.
November 9, 2015
New 2015 GPLPE Issued on November 9, 2015
The new 2015 General Permit to Limit Potential to Emit from Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution (GPLPE) was issued on November 9, 2015. For those facilities operating under the 2010 GPLPE and seeking to maintain limits on their potential to emit, to avoid the applicability of the Title V permitting program, re-registering for authorization under the 2015 GPLPE is most likely necessary. The 2015 GPLPE, GPLPE application form (Word, PDF) and instructions are available on DEEP's Air Emissions Permits webpage.
The GPLPE has several new requirements, as a result of feedback from EPA and interested parties. Most notable of these changes, is a two tiered emissions limitation structure. Registrants will have the option of requesting limitations on their regulated air pollutants of either:
- Less than 50% of the Title V thresholds.*
- Up to but no more than 80% of the Title V thresholds*
*Excluding GHG which shall be limited to less than 100% of the Title V threshold.
Facilities that choose to limit their emissions, up to but no more than 80% of the Title V thresholds, excluding GHG, will be subject to additional compliance demonstration requirements that do not otherwise apply to facilities that choose to limit their emission to less than 50%.
Each facility is encouraged to carefully review the 2015 GPLPE and consider the GPLPE's applicability to their facility. DEEP staff are available to assist facilities, as they consider their options, and may be contacted at 860-424-4152.
Timing of Re-registration Submittals
For facilities that have historically used the GPLPE, as a means to limit potential emissions of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) and avoid applicability of Federal NESHAPs (aka MACT standards), you are cautioned to submit a registration for authorization under the GPLPE on or before November 19, 2015.
Generally speaking, facilities that do not have the potential to emit HAPs, at or above the Title V threshold, have more time to review the GPLPE and submit their re-registrations for authorization.
June 23, 2014
Supreme Court Upholds EPA GHG Rules in Part, Vacates in Part
Supreme Court Upholds EPA GHG Rules in Part, Vacates in Part
May 21, 2014
DEEP Announces New Sulfur Limits for Fuels Burned in Stationary Sources
DEEP Announces New Sulfur Limits for Fuels Burned in Stationary Sources
DEEP adopted RCSA section 22a-174-19b to limit the sulfur content of distillate, residual, kerosene and aviation fuels combusted in stationary sources (e.g. boilers, turbines and engines). The new requirements mainly impact fuel suppliers, who must supply compliant fuels, maintain records of the sulfur content of fuel sold and provide a certification to purchasers concerning the sulfur content of fuel purchased.
Home heating oil, fuel combusted in mobile sources, and fuel combusted in large electric generating units and industrial boilers subject to RCSA section 22a-174-19a are not regulated by RCSA section 22a-174-19b. Fuel that exceeds the applicable sulfur content limit may be stored in Connecticut provided that it is shipped, sold and used outside of Connecticut or is used for blending to create a fuel that complies with the applicable limit. Fuel that met the applicable sulfur content limit at the time it was stored in Connecticut may be sold, delivered and combusted in the state.
RCSA Section 22a-174-19b Fact Sheet
RCSA Section 22a-174-19b Fact Sheet
January 29, 2014
Emissions Calculator Tools Updated with revised GHG Emission Factors
Emissions Calculator Tools Updated with revised GHG Emission Factors
EPA published revisions to the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule in the November 29, 2013 Federal Register. One of the changes was to amend the rule’s table of global warming potentials (GWPs) to revise the values for certain greenhouse gases.
In response, the CO2 Equivalents Calculator, Engine Emissions Calculator, and Boiler Emissions Calculator have been updated to reflect these revised GWPs. These calculators are available on the Air Permitting Assistance webpage. Please use the new versions for any future submittals.
December 17, 2013
EPA Guidance on Counting GHG Fugitive Emissions in Permitting Applicability
In response to questions from the regulated community, EPA has released a question and answer (Q&A) document entitled Counting GHG Fugitive Emissions in Permitting Applicability which explains the requirements of EPA regulations, describes EPA policies, and recommends procedures for permitting authorities to use to ensure that permitting decisions regarding fugitive greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions are consistent with applicable regulations.
The Q&A document provides background and answers the question: "How are fugitive emissions counted in determining whether greenhouse gases (GHGs) are 'subject to regulation' for determining whether requirements are triggered for new major stationary sources and major modifications under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program and for major sources under the title V program?"
July 9, 2013
DEEP Announces New Combined Heat and Power Permit-by-Rule
DEEP has adopted a new permit-by-rule, RCSA section 22a-174-3d, for combined heat-and-power (CHP) systems. The permit-by-rule is available for new projects with a capacity of less than 10MW that would require an individual permit under RCSA section 22a-174-3a absent the permit-by-rule.
Operation under the permit-by-rule requires the owner or operator to submit a notification to DEEP. The Notification Form is available on the Air Compliance Assurance Reporting Forms webpage. Note that CHP systems installed at facilities that are major sources of air pollution may not operate under this permit-by-rule.
July 2, 2013
Title V Permit Webpage Updated to Include Links to NSR Permits and Air Registrations
The Title V Operating Permit Program webpage has been updated to allow the viewing and downloading of all NSR permits and air registrations listed in each facility's Title V Operating Permit. There are over 500 license documents now available for download.
The copies of the licenses linked to on the Title V Operating Permit Program webpage are not a substitute for the original license documents and may not represent the most recent version of a document. The files are provided for reference use only. As always, the original files are available for viewing at the DEEP and the Guide to DEEP’s Environmental Quality Records File Room webpage can be reviewed for further information on viewing files in person.
May 7, 2013
CTDEEP Engine Emissions Calculator and Permitting New Emergency Engines Factsheet Now Available
In order to aid in the determination of potential emissions from stationary reciprocating interanl combustion engines and the preparation of New Source Review Permit Applications, the Bureau of Air Management has developed the CTDEEP Engine Emissions Calculator. This spreadsheet will calculate potential emissions of criteria air pollutants, greenhouse gases and hazardous air pollutants from engines and will also calculate allowable emissions if you operate an emergency engine under RCSA 22a-174-3b(e). If you have questions, comments or suggestions for improvements for these calculation spreadsheets please contact Raquel Herrera at raquel.herrera@ct.gov.
In addition, the Permitting Air Emissions From New Emergency Engines Factsheet has been posted. This factsheet outlines the permitting options and requirements for new emergency engines.
The CTDEEP Engine Emissions Calculator along with the Permitting Air Emissions From New Emergency Engines Factsheet, can always be found on the Air Permitting Assistance Webpage.
April 16, 2013
Updated New Source Review Application Forms Now Available!
The new, revised and improved New Source Review (NSR) application forms are now available on the DEEP Air Permits Website!
These forms should be used immediately for any new NSR or non-minor NSR permit modifications. If you have prepared a majority of an application using the old forms, they will be accepted until June 1, 2013. After which, we will only accept NSR applications on the new application forms.
If you have any technical/engineering questions regarding the forms, please contact the Engineer of the Day at 860-424-4152. If you have any comments on the functionality of the forms or improvements you would like to see please send those to louis.corsino@ct.gov in the near term or call the Engineer of the Day.
Thanks go out to all those in the SIPRAC community who volunteered to review or forms and who provided valuable input on the development of the forms. Your time and input are much appreciated!
March 28, 2013
1) EPA Updates Utility MATS Standard and NSPS for New Coal- and Oil-Fired Power Plants
EPA announced that it has finalized updates to certain emission limits (mercury, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, acid gases and certain individual metals) for new coal- and oil-fired power plants under the Utility Mercury and Air Toxics Standard (MATS) and Utility NSPS. The updates only apply to future power plants; do not change the types of state-of-the-art pollution controls that they are expected to install; and will not significantly change costs or public health benefits of the rule.
Additionally, certain monitoring and testing requirements that apply to new sources were adjusted. EPA reconsidered the new source limits for MATS based on new information and analysis that became available after the rule was finalized.
This final rule does not address two issues posed in the reconsideration related to startup and shutdown; the agency is still reviewing the comments it received regarding those two issues. The rule will be effective upon the date of publication in the Federal Register.
For more information please visit:
2) EPA Proposes Updates to 2012 VOC Performance Standards for Oil and Gas Storage Tanks
EPA proposed to update the volatile organic compound performance standards it issued in 2012 for storage tanks used in crude oil and natural gas production to facilitate compliance with the standards and clarify requirements.
The updates would adjust requirements for tanks built before the proposal is published in the Federal Register; establish alternative emission limits for tanks where emissions have decreased; clarify test protocols for control equipment; clarify the types of tanks subject to the rule; streamline compliance monitoring requirements while the agency addresses monitoring issues raised in reconsideration petitions; and update requirements for submitting annual reports.
The proposal responds to several petitions for reconsideration challenging the final oil and gas sector NSPS and NESHAP finalized in 2012. EPA anticipates taking final action on the proposal by July 31, 2013.
For more information please visit:
January 30, 2013
Application Review Meetings Now Available!
The DEEP Bureau of Air Management Permitting Section now offers Application Review Meetings (ARMs) to applicants for New Source Review (NSR) Permits. The DEEP highly encourages all sources applying for a new NSR permit or non-minor NSR permit modification to request one of these meetings prior to application submittal.
ARMs enable the source to meet with DEEP shortly prior to submitting a NSR application to review the completed application materials that will be submitted and discuss any regulatory or processing issues. The ARM will increase the likelihood of a complete application, establish an early relationship with the permit engineer who will work on the case, and facilitate the efficient processing of an application by DEEP.
ARMs will join the existing Pre-Application Meetings as another tool available to applicants when preparing a NSR permit application. The use of these tools by applicants will reduce the amount of information requests during the application review and will lead to a more timely permit process.
Please visit the Pre-Application and Application Review Meeting Webpage for more information on both types of meetings and instructions on how to request a meeting.
Archived News
Old news articles are available for viewing on the What's New in Air Permitting Archive page.
Content Last Updated January 25, 2017