Connecticut Impact Attenuation System - A Crash Cushion

CIAS Testing under

NCHRP Report 350


CIAS new installation at Exit 32A on I-91    

  • CIAS is a Unique Redirective-Gating Attenuator

    • Firstly, when a vehicle impacts near the back of the cushion, it "redirects" the vehicle away from the fixed object, so this is its redirective capability.
    • Secondly, the CIAS "captures" vehicles impacting at or near the nose and along its sides.  This is the gating capability of the CIAS.
  • NCHRP Report 350 established three test levels for terminals and crash cushions based on impact speed.

Level 1 tests are conducted at 50 kilometers per hour.

Level 2 tests are conducted at 70 kilometers per hour.

Level 3 tests are conducted at 100 kilometers per hour.

  • The CIAS was tested as a Level 3 Gating crash cushion under the following test numbers: 32, 33, 34 and 35

  • Each test number has a specific vehicle size in Kilograms and a corresponding impact angle found in Table 3.2 of NCHRP Report No. 350.

Test number  

Vehicle Size (Kg)

Impact Angle (Degrees)


 820 Car



 2000 Pick-up 



 820 Car



 2000 Pick-up


A complete description of these tests can be found in section

NCHRP 350 Crash Tests of CIAS

CIAS Crash Test, NCHRP 350 test designation 3-33

CIAS Accident Photographs