Project 0056-0305

U.S. Route 1 over Greenwich Creek

Greenwich, Connecticut

Project 0056-0305 Bridge No. 01872 Replacement Aerial Photo

Purpose and Need:

The purpose and need of the project are to address the structural deficiencies of Bridge No. 01872, which is in serious condition due to the superstructure. Bridge No. 01872’s condition rating is a 3 out of 9 based on the February 2023 bridge inspection report and is scour critical. The underside of the slab shows evidence of concrete deterioration, and several concrete encased beams feature full-length concrete spalls. Some areas of steel exposed by concrete spalls exhibit areas of heavily laminated rust on the bottom flange.

Project Description:

Bridge No. 01872 supports U.S. Route 1 (East Putnam Avenue) over Greenwich Creek (East Brothers Brook) in the town of Greenwich, approximately 2.2 miles west of Interstate 95, Interchange 5.

The existing bridge consists of two structure types. The original, middle portion consists of a 13.5-foot simply supported superstructure comprised of steel beams encased in arch type concrete soffits between the beams supported by stone masonry abutments. The widened north and south portions, built in 1926, consist of a single span reinforced concrete slab supported by stone masonry abutments. There are integral stone masonry parapets on each fascia and the existing roadway consists of two 11-foot travel lanes in each direction with no shoulders, and a painted median of varying width. The existing curb-to-curb width of the bridge is 49 feet. There is a 4-foot-wide paved sidewalk and 2-foot grass shelf on the north side of the bridge and an independent 4-foot timber sidewalk structure located approximately 4-feet south of the southerly bridge fascia. The estimated Average Daily Traffic on U.S. Route 1 in this area is 21,100 vehicles (2020 CTDOT Traffic Log). In this location U.S. Route 1 has been overtopped by Greenwich Creek resulting in road closures, the latest event occurred in September 2021.

The proposed bridge replacement consists of a single-span prefabricated steel and concrete superstructure spanning 38-feet. The superstructure will be supported by precast concrete abutments and wingwalls founded on pile foundations. U.S. Route 1 will be raised approximately 3.5 feet to provide sufficient under-clearance and freeboard for the 100-year design storm event. This will require the reconstruction of 850 feet of U.S. Route 1 and 235 feet of Hillside Road. A 6-foot sidewalk will be provided on the south side of U.S. Route 1 and will extend from West Brother Drive to 200 feet east of Woodside Drive. An 8-foot sidewalk will be provided on the north side of U.S. Route 1 which will extend from the western project limits across Bridge No. 01872. A 5-foot 6-inch sidewalk will be provided between Bridge No. 01872 and Brookridge Drive. A new retaining wall will be constructed along the south side of U.S. Route 1 adjacent to the southwest wingwall. The exposed wall height will vary from 2 feet to 12 feet and will be approximately 365 feet long. A stone arch dike, located approximately 300-feet downstream of Bridge No. 01872, will be removed to improve the hydraulics of the proposed bridge. In conjunction with raising U.S. Route 1 and increasing the hydraulic opening, this will allow the 100-year design storm event to pass without overtopping the road.

Staged construction, along with accelerated bridge construction (ABC) techniques will be employed to minimize the impact to traffic along U.S. Route 1 during construction. The anticipated stages and estimated durations of construction, subject to changes based on the contractor’s means and methods, are noted below:

  • Pre-stage (2-3 months):     Temporary off-peak lane closures
  • Stage 1A (8 months):          Lanes reduced to one in each direction
  • Stage 1B (1 week):               Lanes reduced to one in each direction, Hillside Road intersection
                                                      closed (while Greenwich High School is on break)
  • Stage 2 (6 months):             Lanes reduced to one in each direction, Woodside
                                                      Road intersection closed, open to emergency vehicles
  • Stage 3 (2 months):             Shoulder and possible short-term lane closure

Prior to Stage 1A, a temporary utility bridge will be constructed to facilitate the temporary relocation of two watermains and one gas main. This work will be done using temporary off-peak roadway closures.

Traffic on U.S. Route 1 will be reduced to one lane in each direction during off-peak hours during Stages 1A and 1B. During Stage 1B, traffic on U.S. Route 1 will be maintained with one lane in each direction, while Hillside Road will be closed for approximately four days to accommodate reconstruction of Hillside Road. A signed traffic detour will be employed during this closure.

The two 11-foot lanes will be shifted north to the newly constructed bridge portion during Stage 2, while the southern portion of the bridge and the retaining wall are constructed. Woodside Drive will be closed to allow for the reconstruction of U.S. Route 1 and the intersection with Woodside Drive. It is anticipated that Woodside Drive from U.S. Route 1 will be closed to general traffic for approximately six months, however emergency access will be maintained.

U.S. Route 1 will be opened to two travel lanes in each direction during Stage 3 and the northern sidewalk will be widened using shoulder closures and possibly short-term lane closures.

Pedestrian traffic will be maintained on U.S. Route 1 during all construction stages.

Rights-of-Way acquisitions will be required for the project and are expected to include eight construction easements, two drainage rights-of-way, three partial property takes and one total property take.

Construction is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2025 and completed in fall of 2027, however this schedule is based on the availability of funding, acquisition of rights of way, and approval of permits.

Public Outreach:

The project was initiated by the Department in 2010, since which the Department has conducted extensive public outreach:

Meetings with the Town of Greenwich

  • Town Coordination (5/02/2012)
  • Hydraulics Meeting with Town Representatives & CDM Smith (9/30/2013)
  • Hydraulics Meeting with Town Representatives (9/10/2014)
  • Greenwich Publics Works Director Meeting (6/22/2020)
  • Greenwich Fire Department (5/25/2021)
  • Greenwich Sustainability Commission Meeting (5/25/2021)
  • Greenwich Board of Education Meeting (6/17/2021)
  • Greenwich RTM Meeting (8/5/2021)
  • Greenwich Emergency Services Meeting (9/28/2021)
  • Greenwich Public Works Director Meeting (11/8/2021)
  • Greenwich Public Works Director Meeting (1/19/2022)
  • Greenwich Emergency Services Coordination (7/19/2021)
  • Greenwich Public Works Director Meeting (10/28/2022)

Meetings with Residents

  • Homeowners Field Meeting (5/7/2013)
  • Homeowners Meeting (2/20/2015)
  • Public Information Meeting (5/28/2015)
  • Homeowners Meeting (5/16/2017)
  • Homeowners Meeting (9/24/2020)
  • Public Update Meeting (3/31/2021)
  • Homeowners Meeting (5/18/2021)

On March 31, 2021, the Department held a Virtual Public Update meeting. A PDF of the presentation can be viewed here and the recording on YouTube can be found here.

As a result of the ongoing coordination with the Town and members of the public, the Department has expanded the original scope of the project to incorporate requests for hydraulic performance of the structure, aesthetic and functional improvements within the project limits, and additional items to reduce duration of the reduction in lanes along U.S. Route 1 and improve congestion in the project limits.


The Department submitted the following permit applications to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) on 6/21/21, which are currently under review. CTDEEP will publish a Notice of Tentative Determination prior to final issuance of the permits, which will include a 30-day period for public comment.

  • CTDEEP Individual Flood Management Certification with Exemption
  • CTDEEP Individual Inland Wetland & Watercourses
  • CTDEEP Water Quality Certification

The Department submitted the following application to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on 6/23/2021:

  • USACE Pre-Construction Notification Application under the Department of the Army Regional General Permits for the State of Connecticut

This webpage will be updated as the project progresses through the permitting process.

The Department appreciates any comments or feedback you would like to provide regarding Project 0056-0305 by submitting an email to Thank you for taking the time to reach out to the Department.