Bridge Design Standard of Practices

(A Supplement to the Bridge Design Manual)
The "Bridge Design Standard Practices" contain standard practices established by the Department's "Bridge Design Standard Practices Committee" which are distributed by Consulting Engineers General Memoranda.  The following is a list of these memoranda.
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Memorandum 96-11
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Memorandum 97-8File Size: 7 KB
Memorandum 98-3File Size: 10 KB
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Memorandum 00-01
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Memorandum 00-05
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Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 93-7
1. Jacking Provisions
2. Expansion Joints
3. Deck Weepholes
4. Pile Splices and Reinforcement
5. Granite Stone Curbing
6. Diaphragms
7. Lateral Wind Bracing
8. Steel Designations
9. Weathering Steel (Superseded by General Memorandum 94-3)
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 94-3
1. Superstructure replacement versus deck replacement with painting
2. Weathering steel (Superseded by General Memorandum 95-5)
3. Lightweight concrete and attached special provision
4. Seismic design practice (attached Section 29 to be issued at a later date as a revision to the Bridge Design Manual)
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 94-7   
1. Bridge foundations at river crossings
2. Cantilever pier caps
3. Bridge parapets and railing
4. Bridge rehabilitation within resurfacing projects
5. Elimination of specific Bridge Design Manual plates
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 95-5
1. Weathering Steel
2. Weepholes in Bridge Decks
3. Paraffin Coated Joints
4. Shear Connector Quantities
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 95-9
1. Cross Slope Breaks on Bridge Decks
2. Granite Curb on Sidewalk
3. Combination and Pedestrian Rail
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 96-4
1. Membrane Waterproofing
2. Bridge Fence
3. Joint Sealants
4. Approach Slabs
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 96-5
1. Transportation of Structural Members and Components
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 96-8
1. Design Practice for Retaining Walls
2. Design Practice for Surface Treatments for Retaining Walls
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 96-11
1. Design Practice for Bridge Deck Overlays
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 96-14
1. Design Practice for Metric Reinforcing Bars
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 96-15
1. Protective Compound for Bridges
2. Bridge Paint Colors
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 97-1
1. Design of Curved Girders - Fabrication, Erection and Stability Problems
2. Keyed Joints in Wall Stems
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 97-3
1. Bridge Projects with Lead-Based Paint Removal
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 97-4
1. Modification of Safety Walk Parapets
2. Metal Bridge Rail Replacement
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 97-8
1. Bridges over Waterways
2. Erection Plans for Bridges over Electrified Rail Lines
3. Approach Slabs
4. Protective Fence
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 98-3
1. Metric Bolts
2. Oversized Holes in Bolted Connections
3. Design Practice for Bridges
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 99-11
1. Soils Exploration
2. Sawed and Sealed Joints
3. Working Drawings for Permanent Features
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 99-17
1. Protective Fences on New Construction
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 00-01
1. The use of the metric system
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 00-05
1. The use of the metric system (revised)
Consulting Engineers General Memorandum 01-02
1. Elimination of weepholes
2. Seismic design of foundations
3. bridge deck expansion joints
4. structure mounted sign supports
5. inventory & operating load ratings for precast box culverts