Veteran burial eligibility

Read time: 6 minutes

Burial eligibility is generally governed by Title 38, United States Code. There are many categories of eligibility. Below are the most common.

  • Currently serving active Service member: Service members who die while on active duty are eligible for burial.
  • Currently serving reserve component Service member: A currently serving reserve component Service member that dies while performing active duty or active duty for training is eligible for burial.
  • Veterans: Individuals that meet the basic definition of “Veteran” are eligible for burial if one of the following is true:
    • He or she is an enlisted person in a regular component on or before September 7, 1980, or an officer commissioned or entered into active duty on or before October 16, 1981 and was discharged or separated from active duty under “other than dishonorable conditions,” requires one or more days of active duty service.
    • He or she is an enlisted person in a regular component after September 7, 1980, or an officer commissioned or entered into active duty after October 16, 1981; and was discharged or separated from active duty under “other than dishonorable conditions,” requires completion of a continuous period of active duty of at least 24 months or the full period for which called/ordered to active duty.
  • Retirees. Retirees are eligible for burial if, at the time of death, the retiree was entitled to retired pay under 10 U.S.C. Chapter 1223, or would have been entitled to retired pay under that chapter, but for the fact that the person was under 60 years of age.
  • Spouse and minor children. The spouse and minor (under age 18) children of an eligible Veteran are generally eligible for burial. Please contact us for specific criteria relating to former spouses.

Burial Eligibility