OHA news and outreach

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OHA recent news

The Office of the Healthcare Advocate (OHA) keeps you up to date on health insurance challenges. We give you important news about how we help out with your healthcare consumer rights. Find the following information on this page:

  • Our newsletter sign-up. See below!
  • Our new and past OHA newsletters
  • Our recent and older Annual Reports
  • OHA Advisory Board documents
  • Outreach and promotional materials

New and past OHA newsletters

Browse the latest and archived OHA news to get firsthand updates from our Healthcare Advocate.



woman giving an OHA outreach presentation

OHA outreach resources

OHA provides community outreach regarding insurance coverage, managed care, and health insurance rights. We work with communities, providers, and advocacy groups. We also connect with lawmakers, executive agencies, Congress officials, and national partners. Our goal is to lead the charge in making positive health insurance changes. Find the following information here:

  • Fill out the outreach form so we can present to your group.
  • Get presentation materials to show others how we help.
  • Check out OHA’s Your Health Matters YouTube series.

Stay up to date

Stay looped in to our events and efforts, especially with the OHA Lunch and Learns on YouTube. Subscribe to our channel and learn how we educate Connecticut residents on their health insurance rights.