Lunch and Learn

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Where can I find Lunch and Learn PowerPoints?

Find Lunch and Learn materials by each month and year. They’re grouped from recent to oldest below:

May 2024
Legislative Updates (PPT)
April 2024
Health Plan Documents Part I: The Benefits Book (PPT)
March 2024
Screening VS Diagnostic Tests for Breast Cancer (PPT)
September 2023
Surprise Billing and The No Surprises Act (PPT)
April 2023
Ambulance Coverage and Charges (PPT)
January 2023
New Laws for 2023 (PPT)
December 2022
Fully Insured vs. Self-Insured Health Plans (PPT)
November 2022
Open Enrollment: Policies, Provisions, and Payments (PPT)
October 2022
Screening VS Diagnostic Tests for Breast Cancer (PPT)
September 2022
Insurance Options for Adults up to Age 26 with Disabilities (PPT)
August 2022
Understanding Your Health Plan Documents: The Denial Letter (PPT)
July 2022
Explanation of Benefits (EOB) (PPT)
June 2022
OHA L&L-Health Plan Documents Terminology & Definitions (PPT)
May 2022
Intro to How To Read & Use Your Benefits Book (PPT)
April 2022
Coverage After Losing Your Job (PPT)
March 2022
The Opioid Crisis: Getting Worse, Not Better! (PPT)
February 2022
Balance Billing and the High Costs of Out-of-Network Care (PPT)
January 2022
The No Surprises Act: New Consumer Protections for Out-of-Network Care (PPT)
November 2021
Important Changes in Health Care Coverage New Connecticut Mandates (PPT)
Open Enrollment: Policies, Provisions, and Payments (PPT)
General Information Members Should Know About Their Healthcare Insurance Plan (PPT)
