The Office of the Connecticut Governor

Governor Lamont sitting at his desk.

Governor Ned Lamont

Investing in Connecticut’s future

Governor Lamont is committed to building a strong, prosperous future for the state of Connecticut. He’s pioneered investments in workforce development, education, and the environment to help ensure the state’s bright future.

Inspiring economic growth

Governor Lamont has created tens of thousands of new jobs, signed the largest income tax cut in Connecticut history, and supported working families and small businesses. He believes that education holds the key to Connecticut’s success, so he’s prioritizing advancements in education for both teachers and students.

Find more information about Gov. Ned Lamont, his latest actions, and ways to contact him.

Latest press releases 
“We have to re-energize our economy so it works for all Americans, invest in our schools so that all our children have the tools they need to compete and succeed in life, rebuild and enhance our infrastructure, and we must reduce carbon pollution and reverse climate change.”

— Governor Ned Lamont, Statement on State of the Union 2019

Latest news from Governor Ned Lamont

Governor Lamont giving a Press Conference

Press releases, speeches, and actions

Connecticut is making strides in healthcare, education, tax relief, and more.

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Learn more about Governor Lamont

Get to know the 89th Governor of Connecticut.

Explore his key initiatives and major accomplishments since taking office.

Learn more about Annie Lamont, her contributions, and achievements.

Visit the website for Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz.

Stay in touch

Governor Lamont signing a Bill into Law with Lt. Governor Bysiewicz

Contact Governor Ned Lamont

Governor Ned Lamont supports his constituents every day. He invests in better education, better healthcare, and more support for working families.

The Office of the Governor wants to connect and learn even more from the people of Connecticut. Contact us today!