What are the requirements for becoming a school business administrator (endorsement #085)?

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Certification requirements for becoming a school business administrator

People who want to apply for school business administration certification (endorsement 085) must meet these work experience and education requirements:

  • Complete a state-approved planned program of educator preparation at a regionally accredited college or university, leading to a formal institutional recommendation for certification. The institution will outline specific courses required for the required institutional recommendation for certification.
  • Bachelor's or master's degree from the approved institution with a major in business administration or public administration, and completed course work in law, accounting, finance, management, personnel and informational systems; OR
  • Bachelor's degree from the approved institution OR a master's degree or sixth year degree in education administration, having completed 12 semester hours of credit in school law, school finance, school plant planning and operation, school business administration, budgeting and resource management, personnel, collective bargaining, systems analysis and operation; OR
  • Bachelor's degree from an approved institution with three years of successful experience in public or private business administration, educational administration, or public administration, involving at least six of the following responsibilities:
    • (1) accounting and reporting
    • (2) financial planning and budgeting
    • (3) operation and maintenance of plant
    • (4) administering personnel functions
    • (5) purchasing and supply management
    • (6) data processing
    • (7) food service operations
    • (8) grant applications and reporting
    • (9) insurance
    • (10) collective bargaining
    • (11) transportation

Note: To advance your intermediate level certificate to the professional level, you must complete either a master’s degree or at least 30 semester hours of graduate credit, including graduate credits earned to obtain your initial school business administration certificate.

See how to apply for this endorsement. 


Administrator Certification Requirements