What are the certification requirements for school superintendents (endorsement #093)?

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Requirements for Superintendent of Schools certification

People who want to become a certified superintendent of schools (endorsement 093) must meet these work experience and education requirements:

  • Complete a state-approved planned program of educator preparation at a regionally accredited college or university, leading to a formal institutional recommendation for certification. The institution will outline specific courses required for the required institutional recommendation for certification.
  • Master's degree
  • 30 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the master's degree
  • 80 school months of successful teaching experience or service, including 30 school months of full-time administrative or supervisory experience
  • Institutional recommendation based on completion of a state-approved certification program specific to school district administration, including graduate course work in each of the following:
    • Psychological and pedagogical foundations of learning
    • Curriculum development and program monitoring
    • School administration
    • Personnel evaluation and supervision
    • Contemporary education problems and solutions
  • A course of study in special education comprising 36 or more clock hours that includes study in:
    • Understanding the growth and development of exceptional children, including handicapped and gifted and talented children and children who may require special education
    • Methods for identifying, planning for, and working effectively with special-needs children in the regular classroom

See how to apply for this endorsement.


Administrator Certification Requirements