What courses are approved for elementary cross-endorsement?

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Approved Courses for Elementary Cross-Endorsement

State regulations for elementary cross-endorsement require 30 semester hours of course work specifically related to elementary education, including six semester hours of credit in language arts, which may include reading, writing, speaking, listening, and spelling and six semester hours of credit in child growth and development.

The list below shows courses that meet the six credit child growth and development requirement in bold. Three semester hours of credit must be specific to child growth and development only (bold face courses). Up to three semester hours of credit may come from the additional courses listed as human growth and development courses.

Credit awarded for student teaching cannot be accepted toward the total credit count for cross-endorsement purposes. Credit awarded for practica and other field experience may be acceptable depending on the length, responsibility, and supervision of the experience. Credit acceptance is considered on a case by case basis and must be approved by the Bureau of Educator Standards and Certification.

Approved Courses

Asnuntuck Community College(M)

PSY *M201 Life Span Development
PSY *M203 Child Development

Capitol Community College (G)

PSY *G204 Child and Adolescent Development

Central Connecticut State University

EDEC 550 Communication and the Young Child
EDEL 210 Elementary Teaching as a Profession: Analysis and Reflection
EDEL 355 Learning Theories and Principles of Elementary Education and Their Application to the Classroom
EDEL 356 General Methods in Elementary Education
EDEL 402 School Health
EDEL 422 Elementary Education General Methods
EDEL 508 Current Trends in Elementary School Curriculum
EDEL 591 Designing Action Research in Elementary and Early Childhood Education (Need college to verify that course had an elementary focus only.)
EDEL 592 Implementing and Documenting Action Research in Elementary and Early Childhood Education. (Need college to verify that course had an elementary focus only.)
EDTE 315 Principles of Learning
EDU 503 Science in the Elementary School
EDU 506 Language And Children's Literature
ENG 491 Children's Literature
FA 412 Fine Arts Across the Curriculum
FA 490 Integrating the Fine Arts for the Young Learner
MATH 303 Learning and Curriculum Studies in Mathematics
MATH 412 Elementary School Mathematical Methods
MATH 449 Mathematics Laboratory for Elementary School
MATH 531 Basic Concepts of Elementary School Mathematics I
MATH 532 Basic Concepts of Elementary School Mathematics II (only if course is K-6, not K-8)
MUS 555 Music Theater for the Elementary Teacher
PE 405 Elementary Methods in Physical Education
PSY 235 Child and Adolescent Development (taken in conjunction with PSY 362)
PSY 362 Child Psychology
PSY 363 Adolescent Psychology (taken in conjunction with PSY 362)
PSY 526 Psychology of Learning
RDG 200 Developmental Reading in Elementary School
RDG 330 Teaching Language Arts
RDG 412 Literacy in the Elementary School
RDG 578 Teaching Writing in the Elementary School
RDG 588 Teaching Children's Literature
RDG 589 Creative Language Arts
RDG 591 Developmental Reading in Primary Grades
RDG 594 Diagnosis of reading and Language Arts Difficulty
RDG 595 Remedial and Corrective Techniques iin Reading
RDG 675 Reading and Writing as Integrated Process
RDG 690 Reading Materials & Modalities
SCI 412 Learning and Curriculum Studies in Science
SCI 540 Teaching Biological Sciences in the Elementary School
SCI 555 Teaching of Science in the Elementary School

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken in conjunction with a course specific to child growth and development.

PSY 236 Life Span Development (taken in conjunction with PSY 362)
PSY 512 Seminar in Developmental Psychology

Charter Oak State College

ASE 265 Child Development: The Middle Years
ECE 247 Child Development
PSY 320 Cognitive Psychology

Human Growth and Development

PSY 248 Adolescent Psychology
PSY 322 Learning and Memory

Connecticut College

EDU 304e Teaching Mathematics and Science in the Elementary School
EDU 302e Children's Literature
EDU 441e Teaching Reading and Writing
EDU 449e Creativity and Learning
HMD 204 Children in Learning Environments (To be taken with 111, 301, or 325)
HMD 225 Individual Differences in Development
HMD 306 Language Development
HMD 412 Issues in Individual Differences in Development (To be taken with 111, 301, or 325)

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken in conjunction with a course specific to child growth and development.

HMD 111 Introduction to Human Development
HMD 301 Cognitive Development
HMD 325 Life Span Human Development

Eastern Connecticut State University

ART 370 Art in the Classroom (1 credit)
ART 501 Art for Teachers
ECE 420 Language and Literacy II
EDU 200 Child and Adolescent Development and Exceptionalities
EDU 305 Rdg. and Lang. Arts I (College must attest that course has an elementary focus)
EDU 306 Rdg. and Lang. Arts II (College must attest that course has an elementary focus)
EDU 411 Mathematics Curriculum
EDU 412 Curriculum Materials: Science and Social Studies
EDU 480 Independent Study (college must attest that course has an elementary focus) (1-7 credits)
EDU 507/ELE 507 Parenting
EDU 532/ELE 532 Current Issues and Trends: Math
EDU 537/ELE 537 Science in the Elementary School
EDU 542/ELE 542 Current Issue and Trends: Science
EDU 544/ELE 544 Patterns of Development: Typical and Exceptional
EDU 554/ELE 554 Logo: A Programming Language
EDU 565/ELE 563 Current Issue and Trends: Social Studies
EDU 582/ELE 582 Mainstreaming Special Education
ENG 328 Children's Literature
HPE 360 Curriculum Materials - PE (1 credit)
HPE 441 Programs of Physical Education in the Elementary School
MUS 370 Music in Elementary Classroom I (1 credit)
MUS 371 Music in Elementary Classroom II (2 credits)
PSY 206 Psychology of Childhood
PSY 302 Psychopathology of Childhood
PSY 402 Current Topics in Child Psychology Research
RLA 513 Process, Development, and Teaching of Reading
RLA 514/ELE 514 Process, Development, and Teaching of Reading
RLA 515/ELE 515 The Early Years
RLA 522 Reading and Language Arts Consulting I
RLA 524/ELE 524 Children's Literature: An Issues Approach
RLA 526/ELE 526 Advanced Children's Literature
RLA 675 Living a Whole Language Curriculum

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken in conjunction with a course specific to child growth and development.

EDU 511 Learning and Teaching: Concepts and Models
PSY 208 Psychology of Adolescence
PSY 401 Psychology of Adult Development
PSY 501 Human Development
PSY 504 Basic Theories of Learning

Fairfield University

CS 417 Computers in Elementary Education
ED 404 Children's Literature
ED 405 Contexts of Education in the Primary Grades
ED 435 Current Topics for Elementary Teachers
ED 437 Developing Literacy in the Elementary School: Primary Grades
ED 439 Integrating Writing Process and Children's Literature in the Elementary Classroom
ED 241/442 Educational Psychology
ED 443 Integrating Instructional Technologies into Elementary School Education
ED 447 Learning Mathematics in the Elementary Classroom
ED 497 Supporting Science and Health-based Inquiry and Action by Elementary Students
ED 506 Teaching Writing in the Elementary School
ED 507 Methods of Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School
ED 522 Learning and the Child’s Experience
ED 523 Global and Sociocultural Perspectives on Learning and Development
ED 531 Extending Literacy in the Elementary School: Grades 3-6
ED 542 Literacy Learning in School and Community Settings: Primary Grades
ED 543 Literacy Explorations in School and Community Settings: Grades 3-6
ED 545 Developing Integrated Curriculum of Elementary Students: Inquiry and Action
ED 546 Integrating Music and the Arts into the Elementary School Curriculum
ED 547 Leadership in Supporting Mathematics Learning in School and Community Settings
ED 561 Summer Institute in the Teaching of Writing (Note: This course will need an instructor note verifying focus of the course for the applicant was at the elementary level.)
ED 571 Leading Science and Health Inquiry and Action in School and Community Settings: K-6
ED 575 Theory and Practice of Integrated Curriculum Design (Note: This course will need an instructor note verifying that the focus of the course for the applicant was at the elementary level.)
ED 590 Reflective Research Practicum in Teaching (Note: This course will need an instructor note verifying that the focus of the course for the applicant was at the elementary level.)
EN 406 Infusing Multicultural Literature in Elementary and Middle Schools (Note: This course will need an instructor note verifying that the focus of the course for the applicant was at the elementary level.)
EN 411 Teaching Writing in the 3-12 Classroom (Note: This course will need an instructor note verifying that the focus of the course for the applicant was at the elementary level.)
MD 401 Technology in the Elementary Curriculum
SL 522 Developing Literacy in Bilingual Early Childhood Education (PK-3)

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken in conjunction with a course specific to child growth and development.

CN/PY 447 Lifespan Human Development
PY 163 Human Development
PY 263 Developmental Psychology

Gateway Community College (I)

PSY *I122 Child Growth and Development
PSY *I214 Advanced Child Growth and Development

Manchester Community College (B)

PSY *B201 Lifespan Development
PSY *B203 Child Development

Middlesex Community College (F)

PSY *F204 Child and Adolescent Development

Norwalk Community College (D)

PSY *D200 Child Psychology
PSY *D207 Adolescent Psychology

Quinebaug Valley Community College (L)

ECE *L182 Child Development

Quinnipiac College

PSY 236 Child and Adolescent Development

Sacred Heart University

ED 101/ED 553 Educational Psychology
ED 221 Teaching Reading, Writing, and Language Arts
ED 222 Elementary Curriculum and Methods: Mathematics and Science
ED 223 Elementary Curriculum and Methods: Social Studies and Health
ED 377/577 Child Development: Observation and Case Study (deleted as of November 2005)
EN/ED 387 Children's Literature in the Elementary Grades
ED 413 Introduction to Teaching Reading and Language Arts
ED 430 Methods of Teaching Elementary Science, Social Studies, and Health
ED 459 Methods of Teaching Elementary Mathematics
ED 513 Elementary Developmental Reading (deleted as of November 2005)
ED 516 Seminar in Teaching: Elementary
ED 517 Learning Stations in the Elementary Classroom
ED 518 Reading and Language Arts: Whole Language (deleted as of November 2005)
ED 538 Process Writing: Elementary Grades
ED 543 Teaching Foreign Languages in Elementary Grades
ED 551 Developmental Psychology for Teachers: The Early Childhood and Elementary Years (deleted as of November 2005)
ED 591 Advanced PC Applications in Education: Elementary (deleted as of November 2005)
ED 594 Child Abuse and Neglect: Treatment and Prevention
ED 601 Elementary Curriculum (deleted as of November 2005)
ED 605 Advanced Elementary Curriculum Development and Program Monitoring (deleted as of November 2005)
ED 623 Environmental Science for Elementary Teachers
EDR 505 Early Reading and Language Arts Success (formerly ED 515)
EDR 515 Children's Literature
PS 252 Child Development Psychology

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken in conjunction with a course in child growth and development

PS 273 Adolescent Psychology
ED 372/681 Human Growth and Development: Adolescent and Adult
ED 550 Developmental Psychology for Teachers: The Pre-Adolescent Years

Southern Connecticut State University

ART 370 Art Education (Elementary School)
EDU 301 Reading
EDU 303 Art
EDU 304 Music
EDU 307 Language Arts and Children's Literature
EDU 311 Integrated Curriculum for Children II, Grades 1-6
EDU 414 Child Development
EDU 501 Music in the Elementary Classroom
EDU 502 Art for the Elementary Teacher
EDU 503 Science in the Elementary School
EDU 504 Mathematics in the Elementary School
EDU 505 Social Studies in the Elementary School
EDU 506 Language Arts in the Elementary School
EDU 510 Curriculum Planning
EDU 511 Curriculum Experiences in Elementary Geometry
EDU 512 Elementary Curriculum Workshop
EDU 514 Education of the Gifted
EDU 515 Trends in Elementary Mathematics
EDU 521 Integrating Technology in the Elementary Classroom
EDU 528 Differentiated Instruction in Elementary School
EDU 532 Creative Experiences for Children
EDU 534 Curriculum for Early Childhood II: Primary Grades
EDU 538 Parenting Involvement in Education: Programs and Approaches
EDU 539 Child Development for Elementary Grade Teachers
EDU 544 Classroom Management for Elementary Teachers
EDU 551 Early Adolescent Development
EDU 573 Language Arts: A Developmental Approach
EDU 587 Curriculum Models in Operation
EDU 591 Field Project in Education (approved field project proposal must be submitted for approval)
EDU 611 Curriculum Theories: Development and Implementation in the Classroom
EDU 612 The Teaching-Learning Process: A Teacher's Perspective
EDU 613 Diverse Classroom Models: Principles and Practices
IDS 515 Health and Physical Education in the Elementary Schools
PSY 415 Problems of Child Psychology
PSY 210 Developmental Psychology
PSY 211 Adolescent Psychology
PSY 511 Advanced Developmental Psychology
RDG 566 Teaching Developmental Reading in the Elementary School
RDG 578 Teaching Integrated Language Arts
SCE 512 Science Curriculum: Elementary School
SHE 511 School Health Education Institute
SHE 311 Health Teaching in Elementary School
SCI 520 Conceptual Approaches to Learning Science in the Science in the Elementary School
IDS 515 Health and Physical Education in the Elementary Schools
LSC 510 Materials and Services for Children

Three Rivers Community College (K)

ECE *K182 Child Development

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken with a course specific to child growth and development.

PSY 212 Developmental Psychology
PSY 216 Adolescent Psychology

Tunxis Community College (J)

PSY *J203 Child Development

University of Bridgeport

EDUC 336C/536C Children's Literature
EDUC 343 Elementary Methods I
MUS 343 Methods and Materials of Teaching Music in Elementary Schools
EDUC 343C Music in Elementary School
EDUC 344 Elementary Methods II
EDUC 440C Methods and Materials in Teaching Language Arts
EDUC 441C Methods and Materials in Teaching Mathematics
EDUC 442C Methods and Materials in Teaching Social Studies
EDUC 443C Methods and Materials in Teaching Science EDUC 530 Child Development
EDUC 444 Methods and Materials - Reading
EDUC 448C Methods of Teaching Art in Elementary School
EDUC 449C Materials and Techniques for Teaching Art in Elementary School
EDUC 530 Child Development
EDUC 564C Evaluating Special Needs Students K-6
EDUC 574 Developmental Reading in the Elementary School
EDUC 680C Advanced Seminar in Elementary Education (1-6 credits)

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken in conjunction with a course specific to child growth and development.
EDUC 560 Human Growth and Development
EDUC 509 Psychological Foundations in Education (3 credits)

University of Connecticut

EDCI 211 Curriculum and Teaching of Reading
EDCI 220 Teaching the Language Arts in the Elementary School
EDCI 221 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Elementary School
EDCI 222 Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School
EDCI 223 Curriculum and Teaching of Elementary School Science
EDCI 224 Curriculum and Teaching of Elementary School Social Studies
EDCI 258 Methods in Elementary School Music
EDCI 308 Teaching Writing in the Elementary Schools, K-6
EDCI 314 Elementary School Curriculum
EDCI 331 Teaching the Elementary School Child
EDCI 374 Materials and Methods in the Teaching of Elementary School Science
EDCI 420 Elementary School Curriculum
EDCI 454 Teaching Children's Literature in the Elementary School
EDCI 462 Teaching Reading in the Primary Grades
EDCI 463 Teaching the Language Arts (college must attest that course had an elementary focus only)
EDCI 464 Materials and Methods in Teaching Elementary School Science
EDCI 467 Problems in Teaching of Mathematics (college must attest that course had an elementary focus only)
ENG 200/303 Children's Literature
EPSY 221 Educational Psychology
HDFR 202 Human Development: Infancy Through Adolescence
HDFR 234 Social and Personality Development During Childhood
HDFR 385 Seminar in Advanced Child Development
PSYC 238 Child Psychology (college must attest that course had an elementary focus only)
PSYC 308 Social and Personality Development
PSYC 336 Advanced Child Psychology

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken in conjunction with course specific to child growth and development.

EGEN 294 Seminar/Clinic: The Student as Learner
EGEN 295 Seminar/Clinic: The Student in the School Context
HDFR 190 Individual and Family Development
PSYC 236 Developmental Psychology

University of Hartford

EDR 550 Fundamentals of Reading Instruction
EDE 551 Reading and Language Arts Instruction
EDE 558 Reading and Language Arts through Children's Literature
EDE 654 Models of Instruction-Elementary Education
EDP 540 Applied Developmental and Learning Theories
PSY 240 Infant and Child Psychology

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken in conjunction with a course specific to child growth and development

PSY 132 Human Development
PSY 553 Clinical Child Development Psychology

University of New Haven

ED 604 Educational Psychology
ED 608 Child Development
ED 612 Curriculum Design (instructor must attest to the elementary focus)
ED 621E Teaching Strategies in Mathematics/Elementary School
ED 622E Teaching Strategies in Science/Elementary School
ED 623E Teaching Strategies in Social Studies/Elementary School
ED 625E Teaching Strategies in Children's Literature & Language
Arts/Elementary School - "Discontinued 1/08"
ED 626E Strategies for Teaching Reading and Language Arts in Elementary School
ED 628 Reading Diagnosis and Remediation - "Discontinued 1/08"
ED 630E Children's Literature
ED 633 Visual and Performing Arts in the Elementary Classroom
ED 636 Early Literacy
ED 642E Current Instructional Trends/Elementary School
ED 654E Organization & Structure in the Schools/Elementary
ED 682 Measurement, Assessment & Evaluation (instructor must attest to elementary focus)

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken in conjunction with a course specific to child growth and development.

ED 603 Human Growth and Development

University of Saint Joseph

CHST 499 Coordination: Children in Contemporary Society (if focus of study is with elementary age children)
EDUC 322 Developmental Reading in the Elementary School
EDUC 341 Effective Teaching of Mathematics
EDUC 343 Process of Teaching Science and Social Studies (formerly EDUC 321)
EDUC 370 The Language Arts
EDUC 501 Educational Psychology
EDUC 502 Human Growth and Development
EDUC 505 Teaching of Literature for Children
EDUC 507 Developmental Reading in the Elementary School
EDUC 509 The Language Arts in the Elementary School
EDUC 510 Children and Mathematics
EDUC 518 The Writing Process
EDUC 521 Action Research in Literacy (Institution must verify focus of research was on the elementary level)
**EDUC 545 Seminar in Remedial Reading and Related Instructional Theory
**EDUC 546 Seminar in Writing and Related Instructional Theory
**EDUC 547 Practicum I: Theory into Practice
**EDUC 548 Practicum II: Theory into Practice
EDUC 555 Science and Social Studies as Continuous Inquiry (amended 10/10)
EDUC 561 Integrating the Arts
**EDUC 574 Seminar: Early Intervention and the Emergent Reader
**EDUC 575 Seminar: Current Research and the Emergent Reader
**EDUC 576 Advanced Practicum I: Direct Service Application for Lead Interns
**EDUC 578 Advanced Practicum II: Direct Service Application for Lead Interns
ENG 340 Children's Literature
PSY 220 Child Development
PSY 315 Cognitive Psychology
PSY 411 Art Therapy with Children
CHST 380 Advanced Child Development

**Courses taken as part of the Saint Joseph University/West Hartford Graduate Intern Program.

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken with a course specific to child growth and development.

COUN 552 Developmental Theories and Applications

Western Connecticut State University

ART 350 Art in the Elementary School
ED 351 Curriculum Strategies - Elementary Majors
ED 360 Basic Reading Skills and Teaching Strategies
ED 411 Education in the Kindergarten
ED 440 Integrating Language - 1 credit (elementary majors)
ED 514 Teaching Reading in the Content Area
ED 515 Curriculum of the Elementary School
ED 517 Developmental Reading in the Elementary School
ED 522 Teaching the Language Arts in the Elementary School
ENG 429 Children's Literature
EPY 203 Child Development in School (only accept the section for elementary majors)
HSC 311 School Health Programs
LSC 300 Literature for Children
MAD 555 Computers in the Elementary School
MED 303 Elementary Music Methods
MED 380 Music for the Elementary Classroom Teacher
MUS 535 Contemporary Strategies in Early Music Education
PE 310 Physical Education in Modern Schools PSY 210 Child Psychology
PSY 220 Psychology of Learning PSY 241 Child Psychopathology PSY 501 Theories and Research in Child Psychology

Human Growth and Development

Must be taken in conjunction with a course specific to child growth and development.

PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology

Approved Course Lists