What courses are approved for elementary foreign language educators

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Approved Courses for Elementary Foreign Language Cross-Endorsement

There are approved courses at multiple universities that can help you achieve elementary foreign language cross-endorsement.

Requirements include:


  • A bachelor's degree from an approved institution
  • Hold or be eligible for a secondary foreign language certificate
  • Three semester hours of credit in language acquisition in young children
  • Three semester hours of credit in methods of teaching foreign language at the elementary level

The list below includes approved courses for meeting the language acquisition and methods requirement. You should contact the college or university offering a course to determine if it is currently offered.

Language Acquisition in Young Children


Central Connecticut State University

ML 490 - Teaching World Languages II: Acquisition in Young Children (formerly Language Acquisition - Young Child.* Offered in the summer only, in two formats: four weekends or two week session. Call CCSU for more information) [formerly ML 400]

Eastern Connecticut State University

ENG 375/MCL375 - Language Acquisition in Young Children

Fairfield University

ED 437 - Developing Literacy in the Elementary School - Primary Grades
ED 531 - Extending Literacy in the Elementary School: Grades 3-6
SL 467 - Language Acquisition (school must verify focus was elementary)
SL 522 - Developing Literacy in Bilingual Early Childhood Education (PK-3)

Southern Connecticut State University

TSL/FLA 503 - Second Language Acquisition (focus must be on young children)
Courses presently under university approval: Contact Luisa Ramos-Piemontese at Southern Connecticut State University for information concerning course availability. Email:piemontese@scsu.ctstateu.edu

University of Connecticut

EDCI 5605 Second Language Acquisition in the Elementary School-Age Student
EDCI 5715 Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition (school must verify focus was elementary) Formerly EDCI 312

University of Hartford

EDE 553 Second Language Acquisition in Children (No longer offered as of June 1, 2005)

Methods of Teaching Foreign Language at the Elementary Level

Central Connecticut State University

ML 428 - Methods and Materials for Teaching World Language at the Elementary School Level* (offered in the summer only in two formats: four weekends or two week session). Call CCSU for mor information. [formerly ML 492]

Eastern Connecticut State University

MCL 430-01 - Methods and Materials for Teaching Foreign Language K-12 (offered summer and spring)

Fairfield University

SL 439 - Methods of Teaching Foreign Language for Elementary School

Southern Connecticut State University

EDU 564 - Methods and Materials for World Language Instruction in Elementary Education

University of Connecticut

EDCI 5600 Methods for Teaching Foreign Languages in the Elementary Schools

University of Hartford

EDE 552 Teaching Elementary Foreign Language (No longer offered as of June 1, 2005)

Approved Course Lists