What non-western history courses are approved?

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Approved Non-Western History Courses for a Cross-Endorsement in History and Social Studies

Central Connecticut State University

HIST 121 World Civilization I
HIST 122 World Civilization II
HIST 351 East Asia to 1800
HIST 352 East Asia Since 1800
HIST 375 History of Africa to 1800
HIST 376 History of Africa Since 1800
HIST 381 Latin American History to 1823
HIST 382 Latin American History Since 1823
HIST 383 Topics in History: Brazil
HIST 431 Ancient Northeast Africa
HIST 432 History of South Africa
HIST 453 History of Modern China
HIST 454 History of Modern Japan
HIST 456 Chinese Intellectual History
HIST 457 The Family in Chinese History
HIST 472 Modern Middle East
HIST 474 History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
HIST 484 History of Mexico
HIST 497 (Topics in History) A History of Aoteroa/New Zealand: Land of the Long
HIST 497/HIST 476 (Topics in History) African History Through Film
HIST 497/HIST 460 (Topics in History) African Slavery in the Americas
HIST 550 Seminar on China in the Nineteenth Century
HIST 552 Seminar on China in the Twentieth Century
HIST 583 Seminar in Latin American History

Capitol Community College

HIS 121 World Civilization

Charter Oak State College

HIS 350 Contemporary China: History, Politics and Culture

Eastern Connecticut State University

HIS 115 Introduction to World History I
HIS 116 Introduction to World History II
HIS 255 Introduction to Latin America
HIS 265 Introduction to African History
HIS 275 Introduction to East Asian History
HIS 345 History of Mexico
HIS 346 Central America
HIS 371 The Making of China's Tradition
HIS 372 China in Revolution
HIS 373 Mao's China
HIS 375 History of Japan
HIS 407 Seminar in World History
HIS 463 Colloquium in World History

Fairfield University

HI 217 Britain and Its Empire Since 1800
HI 277 Mexico: Cortes to NAFTA
HI 280 The West and the Middle East
HI 281 Portrait of the Arabs
HI 282 Social and Cultural History of China and Japan
HI 283 Modernization in China and Japan
HI 287 A Green History of Latin America
HI 288 Colonial Latin America, 1492 - 1800
HI 289 Latin America in Revolution, 1800 - present
HI 290 Central America: Conquistadores to "Democracy"
HI 364 Tradition, Imperialism, and Nationalism in Southeast Asia
HI 376 The Spanish Caribbean: Cuba, Santo Domingo, and Puerto Rico from Columbus to Castro
HI 291 Africans in the New World 1500 - 1800
HI 363 China in Revolution

Manchester Community College (B)

HIS B227 The Vietnam War
HIS B270 Far Eastern Civilization
HIS B272 Modern China
HIS B280 Modern Africa

Naugatuck Valley Community-Technical College (H)

HIST H105 History of African to 1900

Qunnipiac University

HS/Asian Studies 235 History of Modern China
HS/Asian Studies 236 History of Modern Japan
HS/MC Asian Studies 305 Vietnam
HS 310 The Ancient Near East
HS 311 The Ancient Hebrews
HS 564 Topics in East Asian History
HS/SS 566 Chinese Civilization

Saint Joseph College

HIST 226, 227 Latin America
HIST 250 The World of Asia

Southern Connecticut State University

HIS 229 Cuba and Puerto Rico
HIS 244 Modern East Asia
HIS 245 History of Africa

Three Rivers Community College (K)

HIS 121 World Civilizations I
HIS K271 Modern Asia
HIS K285 The Middle East

Tunxis Community College (J)

HIS J105 History of Africa to 1900
HIST J227 The Vietnam War

University of Bridgeport

HIST 250 Introduction to the Third World
HIST 360 Studies in African History and Culture
HIST 380 India, China and Japan: Culture and Society
HIST 399 Independent Study in History (Depending on topic matter)
HIST 499 Individual Study (Depending on topic matter)

University of Connecticut

HIST 204 Medieval Islamic Civilization to 1700
HIST 205 Modern Mid East from 1700 to Present
HIST 221 Modern China
HIST 222 History of Pre-Colonial Africa
HIST 223 History of Modern Africa
HIST 224 History of Pan-Africanism
HIST 275 Latin America and the Great Powers
HIST 276 Andean Societies
HIST 277 Modern India
HIST 280 Mexico in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
HIST 281 Latin America in the Colonial Period
HIST 282 Latin America in the National Period
HIST 283W The Hispanic World in the Ages of Reason and Revolution
HIST 285 Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Spanish Caribbean
HIST 286 Argentina and the La Plata Region
HIST 287 East Asia to the Mid-Nineteenth Century
HIST 288 East Asia Since the Mid-Nineteenth Century
HIST 289 War and Diplomacy in East Asia
HIST 290 The Mid East Crucible

University of Hartford

HIS 212 The East Asian Tradition
HIS 308/JS 308/REL 308 Bible and Archeology - Old Testament (delete as of 10/2000)
HIS 310 Civilization in the Ancient World
HIS 315 The Muslim World 632-1798
HIS 231/AFS 231 The Caribbean Since the 15th Century
HIS 336/JS 336 The Arabs and Israel

University of New Haven

HIST 670A Chinese History and Civilization
HIST 670B Special Topics-The Middle East
HIST 650 Latin American History "Formerly HIST 688 Special Topics-Latin American History"

Yale University

307b Modern Japan
309a The United States and East Asia
310a The Pacific Rim in the Twentieth Century
311b Modern India
314b Early Sources in the Chinese Intellectual and Religious Traditions
316b History of Modern China
323b Southeast Asia
337b History of Sub-Saharan Africa
348a The Middle East: State, Society, and Culture since 1798.
354a Colonial Mexico, 1519 - 1824
355a Colonial Latin America
356b Latin America Since 1810
358b Mexico in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Western Connecticut State University

NWC-104 Japanese Culture
NWC-103 Chinese Culture
NWC-105 Cultures of India
NWC-107 Middle East Culture
NWC-109 African Cultures
NWC-110 Vietnamese Culture
NWC-111 Contemporary Cultures and Societies of Latin American
NWC-113 Southern Africa

Approved Course Lists