What survey courses are approved for United States history?

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Approved Survey Courses in United States History

To meet the survey course in United States history requirement, students may choose to take a College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exam. Successful completion of a CLEP exam must be posted to an official transcript from an accredited institution.

For more information about CLEP exams, contact Charter Oak State College at (860) 832-3800.

Approved Courses

Asnuntuck Community College (M)

HIST *M201 United States History I
HIST *M202 United States History II
HIST *M215 History of Women in the United States
HIST *M213 The United States Since World War II

Capitol Community College (G)

HIST *G201 United States History I
HIST *G202 United States History II
HIST *G216 African American History I
HIST *G217 African American History II

Central Connecticut State University

HIST 261 History of American Life I
HIST 262 History of American Life II
HIST 319 Race, Ethnicity & Migration in the US
HIST 321 Political History of the United States, 1776-1876
HIST 322 Political History of the United States, 1877 to Present
HIST 325 Anglo-American Legal and Constitutional History, 1550-1789
HIST 326 Anglo-American Legal and Constitutional History, 1789 to the Present
HIST 327 History of American Consumer Culture
HIST 328 History of American Foreign Relations
HIST 329 History of Working America
HIST 330 History of Women in the United States, 1620-1865
HIST 331 History of Women in the United States, 1865 to Present
HIST 316 History of the American West to 1890
HIST 317 History of the American West, 1890 to the Present
HIST 369 African American History

Charter Oak State College

HIS 101 A Biography of America: New World Encounters Through Reconstruction
HIS 102 A Biography of America: 1877 - 1990's
HIS 240 History and Sociology of the American Indian
HIS 248 The American Constitution in Historical Perspective
HIS 249 American Constitution: 1954 to Present
HIS 300 The Civil War
HIS 333 American Foreign Policy from 1945
POL 300 The Modern Presidency

Eastern Connecticut State University

HIS 120 The Early American Experience, 1607 -1877
HIS 121 The Recent American Experience, 1877-Present
HIS 241 The American Frontier
HIS 251 Introduction to American Society
HIS 302 Colonial American
HIS 303 Revolution and the Early Republic, 1763-1828
HIS 310 Great Issues: A Survey of American History
HIS 316 United States after World War II
HIS 318 American Diplomatic History
ANT 221 Native Americans
HIS 221 Native American History
HIS 245 History of African American Religion
HIS 321 African American History to 1877
HIS 322 African American History since 1877
HIS 358 American Immigration History

Fairfield University

HI 232 Jefferson's America, 1760-1850
HI 237 The American Prophetic Tradition 1607-2004
HI 238 United States, 1850-1900
HI 239 Twentieth-Century U.S.
HI 242 Immigration, Ethnicity, and Race in U.S. History (formerly HI 342)
HI 243 American Constitution and Legal History I, 1776-1900
HI 244 American Constitution and Legal History II, 1900-Present
HI 245 Feminism in America
HI 246 Excellent Women, Deviant Women: The Female Experience
HI 250 America Enters the World: United States Foreign Relations, 1763-1900
HI 251 The American Century? The United States and the World Since 1900
HI 253 Colonial America, 1584-1760
HI 254 American Military History
HI 257 Who Built America? Working People in American History
HI 258 Working People in 19th-Century U.S.
HI 259 Working People in 20th-Century U.S.
HI 260 The American Indian History
HI 262 African American History, 1619-1895
HI 263 Inventing Themselves: African American Women in U.S. History
HI 264 African American History, 1865 to Present
HI 299E Catholics in America
HI 331 Era of the American Revolution, 1763-1800
HI 340 Reconsidering the New Deal Order, 1930-1980
HI 348 Social Movements in 20th Century United States History
HI 354 American Military History
HI 356 History of the Cold War
HI 362 The Frontier: Man, Nature, and the American Land

Gateway Community College (I)

HIS *I201 United States History I
HIS *I202 United State History II

Housatonic Community College (E)

HI *E201 United States History I
HI *E202 United States History II

Manchester Community College (B)

HIS *B201 United States History I
HIS *B202 United States History II
HIS *B210 History of Colonial America
HIS *B213 The United States Since World War II

Middlesex Community College (F)

HISTORY *F201 United States History I
HISTORY *F202 United States History II

Naugatuck Valley Community College (H)

HIST *H201 United States History I
HIST *H202 United States History II
HIST *H215 History of Women in the United States

Northwestern Community College (C)

HIST *C201 United States History I
HIST *C202 United States History II

Norwalk Community College (D)

HI *D201 United States History I
HI *D202 United States History II

Post University

HIS 324 United States in the 20th Century I
HIS 325 United States in the 20th Century II

Quinebaug Valley Community College (L)

HIST *L201 United States History I
HIST *L202 United States History II

Quinnipiac College

HS/SS 562 Topics in American History
HS 131 History to 1877
HS 132 United States History Since Reconstruction

Sacred Heart University

HI 260 The Indian in American History

University of Saint Joseph

HIST 120 The American Scene to 1865
HIST 121 The American Scene from 1865
HIST 203 History of the American Indians
HIST 205 American Civil Rights Movement
HIST 206 U.S. Constitution
HIST 247 Women in American History
HIST 273 History of American Foreign Policy since the Vietnam War
HIST 305 African American History
HIST 348 American Society from Hiroshima to Present

Southern Connecticut State University

HIS 110 United States, I
HIS 111 United States History II
HIS 112 U.S. History
HIS 248 American Constitution System
HIS 251 Early Republic

Three Rivers Community College (K)

HIS *K201 United States History I
HIS *K202 United States History II
HIS *K213 The United States Since World War II
HIS *K218 African American History
HIS *K220 History of the American West
HIS *K222 Introduction to American Labor History

Tunxis Community College (J)

HIS *J201 United States History I
HIS *J202 United States History II
HIS *J213 The United States Since World War II
HIS *J218 African American History
HIS *J225 The United States Constitution

University of Bridgeport

HIST 315 History of American Immigration
HIST 317 African American History
HIST 304 Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 207 American History to 1877
HIST 208 American History from 1877
HIST 300x U.S. History for Teachers
HIST 301 North America in Colonial and Revolutionary Times
HIST 309X Image of Women in American History
HIST 312 History of the American Presidency (also listed as POSC 312)
HIST 313 American Social History from Colonial Times to the Civil War
HIST 319 Diplomatic History of the United States
HIS 110 United States, I
HIS 112 U.S. History
HIS 248 American Constitution System
HIS 251 Early Republic

University of Connecticut

HIST 131 American History to 1877 (Formerly HIST 231)
HIST 132 American History Since 1877 a Survey (Formerly HIST 232)
HIST 247 Immigrants and the Shaping of American History

University of Hartford

AUCW 210 Discovering America I: American Civilization 1865
AUCW 211 Discovering America II: American Civilization, 1865 - 1945
AUCW 212 Discovering America III: American Civilization, 1945 to present
HIS 220 The United States to the Civil War Era
HIS 221 The United States Since the Civil War Era
HIS 423 The Making of America
HIS 426 The United States in the 20th Century

University of New Haven

ED 607/HS 610 Survey of United States History
ED 110/HS110 American History Since 1607

Western Connecticut State University

HIS 101 American Perspectives
HIS 248 American History to 1877
HIS 249 American History since 1877

Yale College

109a The Formation of Modern American Culture, 1750-1876
191b The Formation of Modem American Culture, 1920 to the present
115a History/188a American Studies - The Colonial Period of American History
124b Marriage: Thought, Practice, and Politics over Two Centuries in the United States
132b History/American Studies 1 32b - American Politics and Society, 1945 to the Present
140a History/American Studies 283a - The American West to 1850
145b Religion in Modem America, 1865 - 1990
163a American Labor in the Twentieth Century
1 70a Women in America: From the Colonial Period to 1900
171b Women in America: The Twentieth Century
174a American Intellectual Life in the Twentieth Century

Approved Course Lists