How is school district compliance measured?

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School district and Connecticut educator compliance

Compliance Reviews

Annual compliance reviews are conducted by the Connecticut State Department of Education. An annual compliance report (certification verification survey) is generated using certified staff information entered in the Educator Data System (EDS) on an annual basis and annual certification database information housed in the Connecticut Educator Certification System (C.E.C.S.).

Educators must hold an appropriate certificate for the position(s) in which they are serving.

Districts who have educators in “unlisted teaching” or “unlisted non-teaching” assignments will receive a separate 90990/90995 report. Job descriptions must be provided for these positions.

Compliance Timeline

August through October:

All current staff information should be entered into the EDS.

January 31:

Data reporting extract is taken. Changes and corrections can be made after this date, but they will not be reflected in public reporting (EdSight, PPR, etc.).


Educators who still have outstanding compliance issues are sent a letter notifying them of their status.


Educators who received February letters and who remain out of compliance receive a second non-compliance letter. Superintendents or executive directors and TRB are copied.


EDS closes for the year; no further changes can be made.

Assignment Codes

Each certified staff member should be entered into the EDS with the assignment code(s) that best represents their position(s).

Information in the EDS must align with information provided to the Bureau of Educator Standards and Certification on completed ED 126 forms.

  • A district explanation will be required for inconsistencies and may result in a penalty to the teacher.

Related Documents

Compliance Report Guidance

School Districts