What are the requirements for hiring substitute teachers?

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Can you be a substitute teacher without a license?

Daily Substitute Authorization Requirements

Schools and substitute teaching applicants often wonder if you need a teaching certificate to substitute teach. Teaching certificates are not required for subs.

A bachelor’s degree is normally required for daily substitutes. However, for educators who do not have a bachelor’s degree, a district can apply for a waiver using the following steps:


  • The district may submit an online application detailing the applicant’s experience with school-age children
  • Districts will receive an email confirmation with approval of the authorization
  • A substitute permit can only be issued for the district in which the applicant is working.
  • Waivers are issued for one school year at a time and expire June 30. A new application must be submitted for review each year.

Long-term Substitute Authorization

Substitutes are considered long-term for any position lasting over 40 days in a single school year. Long-term substitutes must hold a bachelor’s degree and 12 credits in the content/subject area being requested.

To gain long-term substitute authorization:

  • The district should submit an ED 175 application packet, including official transcript(s) and a letter from the district identifying their recruitment efforts to fill the vacant position.
  • Long-term substitute authorizations are issued for one school year at a time and expire June 30. A new application must be submitted for review each year.
Submitting Applications for Temporary Authorizations

Durational Shortage Area Permits or Substitute Teacher Permits Beyond 40 Days 

If the employing district is interested in seeking a temporary authorization for an educator, please submit one type of application form and allow eligibility to be determined before submitting additional applications for the same position. If the district needs assistance in selecting the appropriate application, please contact the Bureau of Certification to determine which temporary authorization is most appropriate for the assignment.

If an application for Durational Shortage Area Permit (DSAP) is submitted and the candidate is determined ineligible, the Bureau will notify the district. At that time, the district may then submit the ED 175 - Extension of Substitute Teacher Authorization Beyond the 40-Day Limit (LTS) application. The Bureau will honor the original application submission date of the DSAP application when processing the LTS authorization.




School Districts