About the Social Equity Council

Read time: 6 minutes

Contact the Social Equity Council by email at sec@ct.gov


SEC Staff

Ginne-Rae Clay - Executive Director 

Karen Colebut - Paralegal Specialist

Kristina Diamond - Communications & Legislative Program Manager

Jennifer Edwards - Program Manager

Komla Matrevi- Attorney

Jennifer Stevens - Associate Accountant

Council Members

Social Equity Council Ethics Statement


The Social Equity Council, as dictated by the adult-use cannabis law, Public Act 21-1, consists of 15 members, seven (7) of whom are appointed by legislators, four (4) of whom are appointed by the governor, and four (4) of whom are ex-officio members.


Paul O. Robertson, Chair - Department of Economic and Community Development designee

Kevin E. Walton, Sr. - Governor's Appointee

Kelli Vallieres, Ph.D. - Governor's Appointee

Marc Pelka - Office of Policy & Management designee

Andrea Comer - Office of the State Treasurer designee

Julianne Avallone - Department of Consumer Protection designee

Subira Gordon - Speaker of the House Appointee 

Michael A. Jefferson, Esq. - Senate President Appointee

Edwin Shirley - Senate Majority Leader Appointee 

Corrie Betts - House Minority Leader Appointee 

Avery Gaddis - Senate Minority Leader Appointee

Ojala Naeem - House Majority Leader Appointee

Melvin Medina - Black and Puerto Rican Caucus (BPRC) Chair Appointee

Andrea R. Hawkins - Office of the Governor Appointee

Vacant Seat - Office of the Governor Appointee



Council Membership