Design-Build News Archive

01/08/2024 - The project description for State Project No. 0159-0193 has been updated including updates to information on PLA, scope code, and the anticipated advertisement date.

11/03/2023 - "State Project No. 0159-0193: Replacement of Bridge Nos. 00811, 00810, and 00642, Route 15 and US 5 over Hartford Avenue and Providence and Worcester Railroad, Route 99 (Silas Deane Highway), and McMullen Avenue" has been added to Upcoming Projects.

- A public bid opening was held for State Project No. 0063-0726 and the team with the apparent best value was J.F. White Contracting Company / Hardesty & Hanover, LLC. The project description has been updated accordingly.

- The description for Project No. 0171-0501 was updated to announce that CTDOT shortlisted the teams of Manafort-Brunalli Joint Venture / Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Mohawk Northeast / GM2 Associates and O&G Industries / WSP USA.

08/16/2023 - The description for Project No. 0171-0501 was updated to reflect a change in scope.

07/26/2023 - The RFQ for project No. 0171-0501 has been amended to extend the SOQ deadline.

06/23/2023 - The project No. 0171-0492 was changed to 0171-0501. 

06/23/2023 - The project No. 0156-0181 project description was updated to include the apparent best value.

06/23/2023 - The project No. 0135-0346 project description was updated to include the Awarded Contractor. 

06/15/2023 – Project No. 0171-0492 anticipated RFQ issue date was updated to June 28, 2023.

06/15/2023 – The Project No. 0156-0181 project description was updated to include the anticipated public bid opening date of June 23, 2023.

05/08/2023 – The Project No. 0171-0492 project description was updated.

03/15/2023 – Project No. 0171-0492 will not include a Project Labor Agreement (PLA). The project description was updated accordingly.

02/02/2023 – CTDOT shortlisted the teams of Mohawk Northeast Inc. / STV Incorporated, Manafort Brothers Incorporated / VHB, Inc. and J.F. White Contracting Company / Hardesty & Hanover, LLC. for Project No. 0063-0726. The project description was updated accordingly.

02/02/2023 – The description for Project No. 0171-0492 was updated to include information on the bridges.

12/15/2022 – The description for Project No. 0171-0492 was added to Upcoming Projects.

11/16/2022 – CTDOT short listed the team of Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc./KS Engineers, P.C. for Project No. 0135-0346.

11/09/2022 – The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for State Project No. 0063-0726 has been advertised on the State of Connecticut Contracting Portal. The RFQ documents are located at Bid Express :: Solicitations :: State Project No. 0063-0726, F.A.P. No. 09131(180).

08/31/2022 – A public bid opening was held for State Project No. 0079-0245 and the team with the apparent best value was O&G Industries, Inc./WSP USA, Inc.

08/17/2022 – The description of State Project No. 0156-0181 was updated to include the short list of proposers, Manafort Brothers Inc. and H.W. Lochner Inc., Middlesex Corporation and Hardesty & Hanover, and O&G Industries, Inc. and WSP USA Inc.

08/10/2022 - The description for Project No. 0063-0726 was updated to note that a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is not anticipated for this project.

– CTDOT held a Public Bid Opening between the teams of Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc., American Traffic Solutions, Inc. dba Verra Mobility, and Fibre Optic Plus, LLC. The apparent best value is the team of American Traffic Solutions, Inc. dba Verra Mobility.

06/08/2022 –The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for State Project No. 0135-0346 has been advertised on the State of Connecticut Contracting Portal. The RFQ documents are located at

06/03/2022  – The description of State Project No. 0170-3623 was updated to include the short list of proposers, Conduent State & Local Solutions, Inc., American Traffic Solutions, Inc. dba Verra Mobility, and Fibre Optic Plus, LLC. 05/25/2022 –The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for State Project No. 0156-0181 has been advertised on the State of Connecticut Contracting Portal. The RFQ documents are located at

04/28/2022  – The Design-Build Frequently Asked Questions page has been updated with a new question regarding Key Personnel.

04/28/2022  – The anticipated release date for the RFQ of State Project No. 0063-0726 was updated to fall of 2022.

04/28/2022  – The description of State Project No. 0156-0181 was updated.

04/01/2022  – The description of State Project No. 0170-3623 was added.

01/31/2022  – CTDOT held a Public Bid Opening for Project No. 0036-0203 between the teams of: Manafort Brothers Incorporated / WSP USA, Inc., O&G Industries/HW Lochner, Inc., and Empire Paving Inc/STV, Inc. The Apparent Best Value Selection is Empire Paving Inc/STV, Inc.

01/31/2022  –The anticipated RFQ date in the description of State Project No. 0063-0726 was updated to Spring/Summer of 2022.

01/14/2022  – The Conflict of Interest and Unfair Competitive Advantage Provisions on the FAQ page were updated.

12/22/2021  – CTDOT short listed the teams of O&G Industries, Inc./WSP USA, Inc, Yonkers Contracting Company/HW Lochner, Inc, and Walsh Construction Company II, LLC / AECOM for Project No. 0079-0245.

11/23/2021  – The description of State Project No. 0135-0346 was added.

11/23/2021  – The description of State Project No. 0063-0726 was added..

– The project description for State Project No. 0156-0181 was updated to include the following information: the Project is not anticipated to include a Project Labor Agreement (PLA).   

10/13/2021  – The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for State Project No. 0079-0245 has been advertised on the State of Connecticut Contracting Portal. The RFQ documents are located at

10/08/2021  – The advertisement for Project No. 0079-0245 is now anticipated to be October 13, 2021.

09/23/2021  – The description of State Project No. 0079-0244 was updated to include a link to the Project Website.

09/23/2021  – The Conflict of Interest and Unfair Competitive Advantage Provisions on the FAQ page was updated.

09/21/2021  – The advertisement for Project No. 0079-0245 is now anticipated to be October 6, 2021.

08/23/2021 – An advance notice for the upcoming Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Project No. 0079-0245 was uploaded to the State of Connecticut Contracting Portal. The advertisement of the RFQ is anticipated to be September 22, 2021.

07/16/2021 – CTDOT short listed the teams of Manafort Brothers, Inc/WSP USA, Inc, O&G Industries/HW Lochner, Inc, and Empire Paving Inc/STV, Inc for Project No. 0036-0203.

07/15/2021 – The description for Project No. 0156-0181 was added to "Upcoming Projects".

06/16/2021 –The anticipated RFQ advertisement timeframe  for Project No. 0079-0245 was updated to Fall 2021.

06/16/2021 –Project No. 0301-0047: Stamford Parking Garage was awarded to Yonkers Contracting Company / Walker Consultants on May 7, 2021.

06/16/2021 –The description for Project No. 0301-0047 was updated.  Procurement milestone dates were removed, the description from the CTDOT project website was added, the link to the project website was removed, and Project Award information was added.  See the "Previous News Archive" for procurement information from this project.

04/28/2021 –The description for Project No. 0036-0203 was revised and moved to “Current Projects”. The Request for Qualifications for Project No. 0036-0203 has been posted to the CTSource Bid Board.

03/10/2021 –CTDOT held a Public Bid Opening for Project No. 0301-0047 between the teams of: Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc. / Walker Consultants, Manafort Brothers Incorporated / WSP USA, Inc., and KBE Building Corporation / DLR Group. The Apparent Best Value Selection is Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc. / Walker Consultants.

03/05/2021 – The description for Project No. 0079-0245 was added to "Upcoming Projects".

02/26/2021 – The descriptions for Project Nos. 0079-0244 and 0036-0203 were updated.

01/26/2021 –The anticipated Request for Qualifications date for Project No. 0036-0203 has been changed to April 2021.

12/31/2020 –Project No. 0079-0244 was Awarded to Manafort Brothers Inc. / WSP USA Inc., on December 30, 2020.

12/31/2020 – The anticipated Request for Qualifications date for Project No. 0036-0203 has been changed to February 2021.

12/14/2020 – The anticipated dates for the Project No. 0301-0047 Public Bid Opening and Award have been changed to March 2021 and May 2021, respectively.

11/02/2020 –  CTDOT held a Public Bid Opening for Project No. 0079-0244 between the teams of: Manafort Brothers Inc. / WSP USA Inc., O & G Industries / H. W. Lochner, Inc., and Tilcon Connecticut Inc. / AECOM. The Apparent Best Value Selection is Manafort Brothers Inc. / WSP USA Inc.

10/26/2020 – The anticipated dates for the Project No. 0301-0047 Public Bid Opening and Award have been changed to February 2021 and April 2021, respectively.

10/21/2020 – The anticipated Request for Qualifications date for Project No. 0036-0203 has been changed to January 2021.

08/03/2020 – The anticipated Public Bid Opening and Anticipated Award dates for Project 0079-0244 has been changed to November 2020 and January 2021, respectively.

07/14/2020 – The Project descriptions for Project Nos. 0079-0244, 0301-0047, and 0036-0203 were updated.

07/13/2020 – CTDOT short listed the following teams to participate in the proposal phase of Project No. 0301-0047: Yonkers Contracting Company, Inc. / Walker Consultants, Manafort Brothers Incorporated / WSP USA, Inc., and KBE Building Corporation / DLR Group.

06/19/2020The Short Listed Proposers for Project No. 0301-0047 are anticipated to be announced on Friday July 10, 2020.

06/19/2020The description for Project No. 0079-0244 was revised and updated to include key procurement dates for the Short Listed Proposers.

04/30/2020 – A notice concerning the Pre-SOQ Briefing for Project No. 0301-0047 has been uploaded to the State of Connecticut Contracting Portal. This notice contains links to the pre-recorded presentation.

04/23/2020 –
A notice concerning the Pre-SOQ Briefing for Project No. 0301-0047 has been uploaded to the State of Connecticut Contracting Portal

04/13/2020 –The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Project No. 0301-0047 has been uploaded to the State of Connecticut Contracting Portal.

03/27/2020The Department Short Listed the teams of: Manafort Brothers Inc. / WSP USA Inc., O & G Industries / H. W. Lochner, Inc., and Tilcon Connecticut Inc. / AECOM, to participate in the Proposal phase of Project 0079-0244.

03/27/2020The anticipated Request for Qualifications (RFQ) advertisement date for Project No. 0036-0203 has been changed to November/December 2020 with the Request for Proposal (RFP) to follow within approximately 3 months. Please see the description of each project below, in the "Upcoming Projects” section.

03/13/2020 – An advance notice for the upcoming Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Project No. 0301-0047 was uploaded to the State of Connecticut Contracting Portal. The advertisement of the RFQ is anticipated to be April 13, 2020.

02/04/2020 – The anticipated Request for Qualifications (RFQ) advertisement date for Project No. 0301-0047 has been changed to April 2020 with the Request for Proposal (RFP) to follow within approximately 3 months. Please see the updated descriptions of each project below, in the "Upcoming Projects” section.

02/04/2020 – The anticipated Request for Qualifications (RFQ) advertisement date for Project No. 0036-0203 has been changed to August/September 2020 with the Request for Proposal (RFP) to follow within approximately 3 months. Please see the updated descriptions of each project below, in the "Upcoming Projects” section.

01/02/2020– The RFQ has been issued for Project No. 0079-0244 and can be found on theState of Connecticut Contracting Portal. RFI's will be accepted until 2/5/2020. Statements of Qualifications will be accepted until 2/18/2020. See the RFQ for more details.

12/16/2019 – The anticipated Request for Qualifications (RFQ) advertisement date for Project No. 0301-0047 has been changed to February 2020 with the Request for Proposal (RFP) to follow within approximately 3 months. Please see the updated descriptions of each project below, in the "Upcoming Projects” section.

12/16/2019 – The anticipated advertisement date for Project No. 0079-0244 has been changed to January 2020.  Please see the updated descriptions of each project below, in the "Upcoming Projects” section.

09/26/2019 – The anticipated Request for Qualifications (RFQ) advertisement date for Project No. 0301-0047 has been changed to December 2019/January 2020 with the Request for Proposal (RFP) to follow within approximately 3 months.  Please see the updated descriptions of each project below, in the "Upcoming Projects” section.

11/07/2019 –State Project No. 0171-0431 has completed on time and on budget.

09/26/2019 – Updates to the advertisement dates of Project 0079-0244 and 0036-0203 have been made. The approximate project limit for Project 0079-0244 was changed from Log Mile 1.91 to Log Mile 1.32. Please see the updated descriptions of each project below, in the “Upcoming Projects” section.

02/14/2019 – The anticipated advertisement date for Project 0301-0047 has been changed to Summer 2019.

02/14/2019 – The anticipated advertisement date for Project 0036-0203 has been changed to Summer 2020.

06/24/2019 – The anticipated advertisement date for Project No. 0301-0047 has been changed to Fall 2019.

11/30/2018 – State Project No. 0171-0431 is in the Final Design/Construction phase.

11/30/2018 – CTDOT anticipates advertising three new Design-Build projects in 2019: an RBC project on Rte 8 in Derby & Seymour, an RBC project on I-691 in Meriden, and a parking garage in Stamford. Descriptions of each project are available in the "Upcoming Projects” section.

08/24/2017 – The Department awarded State Project No. 0171-0431 to the Design-Build team of Middlesex Corporation / H. W. Lochner, Inc. The project is now underway in the Final Design Phase. Please look in the Project Specific information section of this page for more details related to this project.

06/26/2017 – The Department held a public bid opening between the teams of: Kiewit Infrastructure Co. / Dewberry Engineers Inc., Middlesex Corporation / H. W. Lochner, Inc. and O & G Industries, Inc. / AECOM. The Design-Build Team that had the highest Best Value Score and was announced as the apparent Best Value Selection for Project No. 0171-0431 was Middlesex Corporation / H.W. Lochner, Inc.

12/14/2016 – The Department shortlisted the teams of: Kiewit Infrastructure Co. / Dewberry Engineers Inc., Middlesex Corporation / H. W. Lochner, Inc. and O & G Industries, Inc / AECOM to participate in the Proposal phase of Project 0171-0431.

10/06/2016 – An update Q&R form and Addendum 3 for Project 171-431 will be issued on the Biznet Contracting portal under the advertisement for this project to introduce an excel form to be allowed in place of the PDF form for the Statement of Work Under Contract. See the Project 171-431 Appendix B section below for the “Alternative Contracting Statement of Work Under Contract (10/06/2016) Excel form” and the Advertising information link for the Q&R and Addendum 3.

09/30/2016 – Addendum 2 was issued for Project 171-431 and this web page was updated to update the links and documents from the RFQ Appendix B.

09/19/2016 – Addendum 1 was issued for Project 171-431 and this web page was updated to add links for documents from the RFQ Appendix B.

09/13/2016 – Project 171-431 was advertised today. Please see the project information below for a link to The Department of Administrative Services, State Contracting Portal for Department of Transportation projects.
The Project 15-363 RFP information was removed from the site today to avoid confusion with the current procurement. 

09/09/2016 – Website update to add miscellaneous detail plans to the Project 171-431 Existing Structure Plans section. And to move the Project 15-363 sample procurement documents to the new Past Projects section.

08/19/2016 – CTDOT is in the preliminary design phase of Project 0170-3384PE/0171-0431CN, another D-B project. The Request for Statements of Qualifications is anticipated to be issued this fall. See the Upcoming Projects section below for more information.

07/15/2016 – The D-B pilot project in Bridgeport CT is in the 2nd stage of construction and is anticipated to be completed this fall.

07/15/2016 – CTDOT is in the preliminary design phase of Project 0170-3384PE/0171-0431CN, another D-B project. The Request for Statements of Qualifications is anticipated to be issued this fall. See the project summary for more information.

09/21/2015 – D-B Pilot Project (Project 0015-0363) The Department awarded the Project to the Best Value Proposer (Manafort Brothers / Parsons Brinckerhoff) in April of 2015. The Project is currently in Design / Construction phase and is scheduled for completion in the summer of 2016. For additional information, please contact the District 3 Construction Office at telephone Number 203-389-3100.

02/11/2015 – D-B Pilot Project (Project 15-363) The Department has selected "Manafort Brothers, Inc. / Parsons Brinckerhoff" as the Best Value Proposer for this project. The Department is currently in the Pre-Award phase of the procurement and contract award is scheduled for 03/27/2015. For any additional information, please contact the Office Contracts.08/27/14 - D-B Pilot Project (Project 15-363) Request for proposals has been released to the Short Listed Proposers.

04/21/14 – D-B Pilot Project (Project 15-363) was advertised on 4/21/14. Click here to view the Legal Advertisement.

04/02/14 – D-B Pilot Project (Project 15-363) Website is [website no longer exists] — is now Live! Look there for project specific details such as advertising and more!

03/25/14 – ***New Conflict of Interest Competitive Advantage provision*** - applies to Designers and Contractors involved in Design-Build in Connecticut. See the draft Conflict of Interest link below.

03/14/14 – Go to the FAQ link below to see answers to recent questions about D-B contracting.

03/14/14 – D-B Pilot Project (Project 15-363) Website: [website no longer exists] is under construction. Look here for more specific project details in the future.

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