Traffic monitoring data

Traffic Volume Image

Traffic volume and classification information

We provide several useful traffic reporting tools that cover the daily, monthly, and annual traffic patterns throughout the state of Connecticut. Below, you’ll find interactive charts, graphs, maps, and downloadable PDFs that document how our roads and highways are used.

Recent traffic data charts in CT

Traffic Analytics Image

Use the CTDOT open data portal

See the hub of all CTDOT data available including but not limited to:

  • Most Current Average Daily Traffic (ADT) DATA
  • Two-year Traffic comparison chart
  • Daytime Vehicle Speeds
  • Two-year TRAFFIC comparison chart
  • Station Data summaries
More traffic data  

More traffic data reports

Traffic monitoring town index 

Based on a 3-year count cycle at point specific locations on State and Local roads. Current ADT and hourly data shown by town Historical ADT and vehicle volumes.

Continuous counter traffic volume synopsis 

Learn more about the daily change in traffic volumes from the same day of the week in the same month historically.

Highway standard details 

Learn more about the CONREP Basic Rider Program, including what it takes to pass the class and benefits of going through the course.