Contracting and drawing standards

Construction Worker

Highway construction help

The CTDOT provides contracting and drawing standards to guide road and bridge construction projects. Below, you’ll find links for:

  • Highway standard details
  • Contract development
  • Contract drawing standards
  • State bridge design publications
  • Road signs, pavement markings, and signals

Standards, details, and publications

Highway standard details 

Find CTDOT highway standard details, highway standard drawings, standard sheets, engineering bulletins, and guide sheets.

Contract development 

Get information on the contract development process and the contact details for the transportation supervising engineer.

Contract drawing standards 

Find CTDOT contract drawing standards, standards definitions, and our Digital Project Development Manual.

State bridge design publications 

Find the CTDOT bridge design manual, bridge design specifications, guides, and more.

Signs, signals, and pavement markings

Construction Sign

Keeping motorists and pedestrians safe

Road signs, pavement markings, and traffic signals all work together to keep motorists and pedestrians safe on the busy roads and highways of Connecticut. Use the link below to get traffic documents and other traffic-related information or to contact the Division of Traffic Engineering.
Visit division of traffic engineering  