MTG and Permit Pavement Design Catalog


The MTG Pavement Design catalog is a quick and easy way to get a pavement design for a permit or MTG project.

Use and Description of Catalog

This document is intended for use by all units involved in the review and oversight of Major Traffic Generator (MTG) applications as well as for applicants in providing a pavement structure included with their application. The Catalog contains a listing of all route segments on the state highway network identified by route and mile-point. For each route segment, a Pavement Structure and corresponding Superpave Design Level are provided. The Catalog is expected to result in a streamlined, simplified application and review process on pavement-related items.

Requests for additional information should be addressed to:

Steve Norton, P.E. Transportation Engineer

Phone: (860) 594-3287




Pavement Design Catalog (pdf 1,385 kb) REVISED
