Bureau of Highway Operations and Maintenance

Connecticut highway

We help maintain CT highways and bridges

The Bureau of Highway Operations helps maintain highways and bridges in a safe, efficient manner. Our dedicated staff helps to improve:

  • Highway and bridge systems
  • Snow and ice control
  • Incident management
  • Oversize and overweight vehicle permitting
Contact CTDOT  

Bureau chief and staff

Paul Rizzo

Paul T. Rizzo

Bureau Chief, Bureau of Highway Operations
Richard Reagan

Richard P. Reagan

Transportation Maintenance Administrator, Office of Maintenance

Department bureaus

Bureau of Engineering and Construction 

We develop and implement the capital program for Connecticut's transportation network.

Bureau of Finance and Administration 

We initiate, develop, communicate, and support continuous improvement of the DOT mission.

Bureau of Highway Operations and Maintenance 

We maintain state highways and bridges to ensure safety and efficiency for travelers.

Bureau of Policy and Planning 

We carry out a continued, cooperative, and comprehensive statewide transportation planning process.

Bureau of Public Transportation 

We foster development, maintenance, and operation of bus service, rail facilities, and maritime assets.
