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Public Invited to Virtual Public Meetings for I-95 Stamford Planning and Environment Linkages Study

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will host two virtual public meetings for the I-95 Stamford Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) Study on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, from 12:00-1:30 p.m. and Wednesday, March 1, 2023, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. The meetings will be held virtually on Zoom.


CTDOT is performing a PEL Study, which began in early 2022, to research ways to improve safety and operations on I-95 between Interchanges 7-9, as well as develop concepts to replace the I-95 bridge over Metro-North Railroad and Myrtle Avenue. The study area includes I-95 from West Avenue (Exit 6) to U.S. Route 106/Seaside Avenue area (Exit 9) and various diversion routes such as Route 1.


The PEL Study has received a $1 million grant through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) for planning purposes to examine preliminary alternatives for replacing Bridge No. 32 and reconfiguring Exits 7-9 on I-95.


The study team is looking to engage with residents, business owners, and other members of the public about their experiences in the corridor during public meetings. To attend one of the public meetings and for more information about the study, visit i95stamford.com.   


The study team will present the PEL Study process, discuss the existing conditions and data collection, and introduce the next steps for the study. The meeting will then conclude with a question-and-answer session, where attendees can ask questions and offer comments regarding the study. Zoom and telephone call-in details for each meeting can be found on the i95stamford.com/get-involved page under Upcoming Events. Here is the call-in information for each meeting:



(312) 626-6799

Webinar ID: 830 4192 4245

Passcode: 959479



(312) 626-6799

Webinar ID: 873 8358 7389

Passcode: 168689


Following the meeting, a recording of the meeting will be posted to the project website at i95stamford.com/library. Individuals with limited internet access may also request that study information be mailed to them by contacting Jonathan Dean, Project Manager (Jonathan.Dean@ct.gov; 203-993-6529). Please allow five business days for processing and delivery.


The PEL study follows Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidance. The study transitions from long-range planning to the upcoming environmental review process by assessing local conditions and developing alternatives. CTDOT may adopt or incorporate Planning Products from this PEL Study into a federal or state environmental review process, pursuant to Title 23 U.S.C. § 168(d)(4).


Members of the public are encouraged to sign up to receive email updates, provide study comments on the website, and follow the I-95 Stamford PEL Study on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram


Real-time audio translation will be provided in Spanish. American Sign Language interpretation and real-time audio translation in Haitian Creole translation can be provided for the meeting upon request. Please make any translation requests at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting by calling CTDOT at (860) 594-2109. Language assistance is provided at no cost to the public, and efforts will be made to respond to timely requests for assistance.


N ap bay tradiksyon odyo enstantane nan lang panyòl.  Nou kapab bay sèvis entèpretasyon langaj siy ameriken ak tradiksyon enstantane nan lang kreyòl ayisyen pou reyinyon an, sou demann. Tanpri fè tout demann ou genyen pou tradiksyon omwen senk (5) jou ouvrab avan reyinyon an, lè w rele Depatman Transpò nan Connecticut (Connecticut Department of Transportation, CTDOT) la nan nimewo (860) 594-2109. Nou bay piblik la asistans lenguistik, gratis, epi n ap fè jefò pou nou reponn demann asistans yo atan.


Twitter: @CTDOTOfficial
Facebook: Connecticut Department of Transportation


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