Department of Transportation

Connecticut Work Zone Safety


Work zones can present unfamiliar situations to all roadway users, including pedestrians and bicyclists. Hazards can appear suddenly and unexpectedly that can endanger both motorists and roadway workers. The Connecticut Department of Transportation strives to make all travel in the state safe and efficient. The Work Zone Safety Awareness Working Group strives to reduce crashes in work zones down to zero!

We invite you to use the information offered here to help you get involved in helping us all get where we want to go safely.

CTDOT Work Zone Safety Logo - Obey The Orange 

We encourage everyone to use the links provided to educate about Work Zone Awareness and join in the Work Zone Safety Awareness campaign during this week. Please post the NWZAW posters in common rooms, include the talking points in your briefings and safety tailgate talks, and educate our communities’ children about Slowing Down for Work Zones, Roadway and Pedestrian Safety where you can!


CTDOT Fallen Highway Worker Memorial at Newington HQ

Fallen Highway Worker Memorial present at CT DOT Headquarters in Newington. CTDOT honors and remembers all the men and women who have lost their lives while working in highway work zones. Even 1 is too many!


Work zones can present unfamiliar situations to all roadway users. Hazards presented to our traveling public include changes in traffic patterns, closed or narrowed travel lanes, closed sidewalks, and the presence of construction equipment and personnel.

As drivers, passengers, cyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians, we are all responsible for keeping work zones safe.

10 Tips For Traveling Safely in Work Zones

  1. Expect the Unexpected.
    Things may change overnight on the routes you travel every day! Normal speed limits may be reduced, traffic lanes and sidewalks may be closed, narrowed, or shifted and people may be working on or near the road.

  2. Stay Alert.
    Dedicate your full attention to the roadway and avoid distraction while approaching and driving/walking/biking in a work zone. The construction signs are there to help everyone move safely through the work zone.

  3. Keep a Safe Distance.
    Drive defensively by keeping distance between you and the car ahead of you. Most rear-end accidents occur because of following too closely and traveling too fast for conditions.

  4. Obey Speed Limit.
    Speeding is one of the major causes of work zone crashes. Traveling at 60 mph, if you see a sign that indicates a Work Zone is 1,500 feet ahead, you’ll be there in 17 seconds!!

  5. Keep Up with the Traffic Flow.
    Don’t slow down to look at road work.

  6. Obey Road Crew Flaggers.
    The flagger knows what is best for moving all road users safely through the work zone.

  7. Know Before You Go.
    Check radio, TV, and websites for traffic information; and schedule enough time so you can reach your destination on time and safely. Learn to expect delays.

  8. Be Patient and Stay Calm.
    Work zones are not there to personally inconvenience you. Remember, the crew members are working to improve the transportation system you use every day.

  9. Wear Your Seatbelt.
    It is your best defense in a crash and it's the law.

  10. Obey the signs.
    There are signs at the beginning AND the end of the work zone. Obey the signs all the way through to the end of the work zone. Remember, some work zones are moving and may cover a distance.



WZS Ribbon with DOT Logo

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CT Work Zone Safety



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