Public Scoping Comments

The comments contained on this page were received as part of the Public Scoping Meeting, which was held jointly as a Public Information Meeting on June 15, 2016.  The comment period for the public scoping was held open until July 1, 2016.  The Department of Transportation is thankful for the great turnout at the meeting and for the many comments received from the public and from legislative, State, municipal, and special interest offices.  Special thanks also go to the town of Westport and special interest groups who have assisted in spreading the word and engaging the local community.

Notes: 1) Private information was redacted from correspondence; 2) This page is a work in progress and more correspondence may be uploaded in the near future

No. Name Organization/Title/Office Date
 1 Roger Rowell  Resident  6/5/2016
 2 Taryn Bolotin & Robbie Guimond  Resident  6/6/2016
 3 Kate Tarrant  Resident  6/13/2016
 4 Vincent Petrecca  Resident  6/13/2016
 5 Malcolm Watson  Resident  6/13/2016
 6 Mary Schmerker  Resident  6/13/2016
 7 Ellen Van Dorsten  Resident  6/13/2016
 8 Danielle Rossoni  Resident  6/13/2016
 9 Glenn Payne  Resident  6/13/2016
 10 Kim Shapiro  Resident  6/13/2016
 11 Donna Walling  Resident  6/14/2016
 12 Judy Starr  Resident  6/14/2016
 13 John & Anita Caggiano  Resident  6/14/2016
 14 Anne Pfeiffer  Resident  6/15/2016
 15 Jane Green  Resident  6/15/2016
 16 Douglas Odell  Resident  6/15/2016
 17 Hilde Uccellini  Resident  6/15/2016
 18 Matt & AnnMarie Massie  Resident  6/15/2016
 19 Sharon Cribari-Saccary  Resident  6/15/2016
 20 Rick & Debi Smilow  Resident  6/15/2016
 21 Marco Caggiano  Resident  6/16/2016
 22 Amy Saperstein  Resident  6/18/2016
 23 R. Channing Wheeler  Resident  6/18/2016
 24 Gail Stone  Resident  6/19/2016
 25 Lisa Francoeur  Resident  6/19/2016
 26 Glenn Gans  Resident  6/20/2016
 27 J. Sirmons  Resident  6/20/2016
 28 Melanie Minella  Resident  6/20/2016
 29 Patty Kondub  Resident  6/21/2016
 30 Josh Moritz  Resident  6/21/2016
 31 Nancy Kondub  Resident  6/21/2016
 32 Richard Lowenstein  Resident  6/21/2016
 33 Barbara Nash  Resident  6/21/2016
 34 Lawrence Sherman  Resident  6/21/2016
 35 Lawrence Sherman  Resident  6/22/2016
 36 Josh Moritz  Resident  6/22/2016
 37 Carey Weber  Resident  6/22/2016
 38 Donald Cummings  Resident  6/24/2016
 39 Werner Liepolt  Resident  6/27/2016
 40 Roberta Liepolt  Resident  6/27/2016
 41 Martha Hauhuth  Resident  6/27/2016
 42 Cathy Walsh  Planning & Zoning Commission Chair  6/27/2016
 43 Patricia Bisacky  DPH - Drinking Water Section  6/28/2016
 44 Trish Lawrence  Resident  6/28/2016
 45 David J. Fox  DEEP - Office of Environmental Review  6/29/2016
 46 Lavinia Larsson  Resident  6/29/2016
 47 David Meth  Westport Preservation Alliance  6/29/2016
 48 Judy Starr  Resident  6/29/2016
 49 Elena Klopfer  Resident  6/29/2016
 50 John Goldhurst  Resident  6/29/2016
 51 Teri Piekara  Resident  6/29/2016
 52 Ian Warburg and Valerie Jacobs  Save Westport Now  6/29/2016
 53 Don Bergmann    Resident  6/30/2016
 54 Clayton Hughes et al  Resident  6/30/2016
 55 Mary Sikorski  Resident  6/30/2016
 56 Jonathan Steinberg  State Representative  6/30/2016
 57 Patricia Brennecke  Resident  6/30/2016
 58 Bob and Nora Caporale  Resident  6/30/2016
 59 James Marpe  Town of Westport First Selectman  6/30/2016
 60 Bob Weingarten  Resident  6/30/2016
 61 Norman Kramer and Art Schoeller  Greens Farms Association  6/30/2016
 62 Judith G. Freedman  Resident  6/30/2016
 63 Catherine Ryan  Resident  6/30/2016
 64 Janet Rubel  Resident  6/30/2016
 65 William Ryan  Resident  6/30/2016
 66 Catherine Romano  Resident  6/30/2016
 67 Barbara Slaine  Resident  6/30/2016
 68 Libby Light  Resident  6/30/2016
 69 Mary Schmerker  Resident  6/30/2016
 70 Christopher Lewis  Resident  6/30/2016
 71 John Suggs et al  Westport Preservation Alliance  7/1/2016
 72 Valerie and Greg DiPrato  Resident  7/1/2016
 73 Pamela Klomberg  Resident  7/1/2016
 74 S. Horowitz  Resident  7/1/2016
 75 Steve Obsitnik and Suzanne Tager  Resident  7/1/2016
 76 Rob Driscoll  Resident  7/1/2016
 77 Louis Mall  Resident  7/1/2016
 78 Janis and Eugene Fox  Resident  7/1/2016
 79 Peter Fulbright  Resident  7/1/2016
 80 P. W. Wriedt  Resident  7/1/2016
 81 Veronica and Tom Hofstetter  Resident  7/1/2016
 82 Douglas Odell  Resident  7/1/2016
 83 David Brown  Resident  7/1/2016
 84 Gabe Block  Resident  7/1/2016
 85 Teri Guma  Resident  7/1/2016
 86 Sharon Cribari-Saccary et al  Resident  7/1/2016
 87 Michael Wiseman  Resident  7/1/2016
 88 Francis Henkels  Resident  7/1/2016
