Office of Operations and Support



The Office of Operations and Support is committed to providing quality service, resources and support to all bureaus within the Department of Transportation in meeting the operational requirements of the traveling public.


Office of Operations and Support – Suzanne Donlon 860-594-2245

Provides overall direction and coordination of the Office of Operations and Support’s policies, programs and functions related to the Divisions of Property and Facilities Services and Business Services and Inventory Management.

Division of Property and Facilities Services

Directs and coordinates the activities performed by the Code Enforcement, Concessions and Facilities Services Units.

Code Enforcement – Michael LeBlanc 860-594-2238

Oversees the Department's code enforcement program for the design review and construction inspection of all new buildings and renovations of existing buildings to ensure compliance with all applicable state building and fire codes, and ADA requirements. Also responsible for inspection of all fuel storage installations for compliance with governing DEEP regulations and inspection/release for all electrical utility service installations located on Department property.

Concessions Jill Brennan 860-594-2577

Provides contractual oversight, administration, and enforcement of the concession agreement that governs the operations at the twenty-three service plazas located on the Governor John Davis Lodge Turnpike (I-95 and I-395) and Merritt and Wilbur Cross Parkways. This includes the administration of an inspection program and revenue monitoring.

Facility Maintenance David Hartley 860-594-2229

Responsible for the maintenance, repair, and operation of all Department facilities, except those under the jurisdiction of Rights of Way and Public Transportation. This includes monitoring and controlling energy usage. Direct the activities of regional repair units and develop and implement contractual services for facility maintenance and custodial functions. Also responsible for the maintenance, service, and repair of underground tanks and fueling equipment for Department-owned facilities.

Division of Business Services and Inventory Management

Directs and coordinates the activities performed by the Division of Business Services and Inventory Management comprised of the offices of Procurement, Accounts Payable, Support Services (Claims/Insurance, Printing Services, Mailroom, Motor Pool and Records Retention) Materials Management, Fuel Control and Asset Management.

Office of Business Services – Kathleen M. Germain 860-594-2305

Responsible for the operational functions related to Procurement, Accounts Payable, and Support Services.

Procurement Mary K. Matuszak 860-594-2342

Responsible for all aspects of the procurement process for commodities and contractual services for the Department. Responsibilities include creating, reviewing, and awarding Department bids incompliance with both state and federal regulations, the reviewing and approving of all purchase orders, and managing contractor bonds in conformance with contract requirements.

Accounts Payable John Miller 860-594-2310

Responsible for the processing of capital and operating expenditure documents to the Office of the Comptroller for payment to utility companies, contractors, consultants, and various other suppliers for capitalized assets, commodities, and services purchased by the Department. This also includes utility payments, travel authorizations, employee reimbursements, and vendor payments expending both state and federal funds.

Support Services Debra J. Ello 860-594-2257

Responsible for the operational functions related to Claims/Insurance, Printing Services, Mailroom, Motor Pool, and Records Retention Units. Administers and coordinates the permanent assignment of leased vehicles and enforces policies regarding the proper use of these vehicles. Responsible for the development of the Record Retention Policy and the update of all records retention schedules applicable to the Department.

Claims/Insurance Katherine Therrien 860-594-2256

Processes highway and fleet liability, and Claims Commissioner claims against the Department. Procures insurance coverage as per risk management ideals, contractual obligations, loss/risk probabilities and ensures compliance with State statutes. Maintains and renews policies as required.

Printing Services Jackeline Rivera 860-594-3081

Responsible for providing all of the Department’s printing and duplicating needs including wide format documents, as well as labeling, binding, scanning, DVD creation, etc.

Mailroom Carolyn Bolorin – 860-594-3084

Responsible for all of the Department’s incoming and outgoing mail utilizing the services of the U.S. Postal Service, United Parcel Service, and Federal Express. Responsible for sorting, distributing, and routing incoming and inter-office mail.

Motor Pool (Leased Vehicles) Michael Rascati - 860-594-3426

Oversees the daily operational functions of the Department’s Motor Pool. Responsible for the acquisition, disbursement, and return of all Department-leased vehicles in accordance with DAS - Fleet Operations procedures and General Letter No. 115.

Records Retention

Responsible for the filing, retention, retrieval, and disposal of all pertinent agreements, contracts, correspondence, and other public records in compliance with applicable federal and State statutes.

Office of Inventory Management Barbara Bergeron 860-258-3034

Responsible for the operational functions related to Inventory Management, Inventory Control, Fuel Control, Inventory Procurement, Materials Management, and Asset Management.

Inventory Control Charlesina Ball 860-258-3037

Responsible for the daily operational functions related to the Department’s statewide Fuel Control Operations and Inventory Procurement office. Serves as an active member of the Department’s Snow/Ice Committee and represents the Department as a member of the Governor’s Fuel Control Taskforce.

Fuel Control

Responsible for the Department’s statewide Fuel Control Operations; procurement, inventory control, and withdrawal of motor vehicle fuel for use in State-owned vehicles and equipment. This also includes the financial reimbursement program from other state agencies for fuel usage.

Inventory Procurement

Responsible for the procurement of stocked commodities and snow/ice removal products (Road Salt and Liquid Magnesium Chloride) in accordance with Department procedures and State Purchasing Procedures.

Materials Management

Responsible for supervising the daily operations of the Department’s Materials Management Unit; coordinate the procurement, distribution, inventory control, and security of stock items. Ensure stock items are readily available to support the Department’s highway, fleet and facility infrastructure and to respond to statewide emergency and snow/ice events.

Asset Management Edward Stratton 860-258-3022

Responsible for maintaining the Department’s Asset Management System for capitalized and controllable property along with the acquisition, distribution, and disposal of excess equipment, materials, and supplies. This also includes the inventory control and assignment of motor vehicle registration plates.


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