Prospective bidders must be prequalified by CTDOT to be eligible to bid on and receive awards of construction contracts. For more specific information on the bidding and award process and contractor prequalification, please refer to the Construction Contract Bidding and Award Manual.

Effective April 1, 2022, the CTDOT has launched our new “Online Contractor Prequalification Application System”. Paper applications are no longer accepted. To access the new online application system and instructions, click here.

Applicants must register first to obtain access to the online application system. Registration information is available here.

Online Application information and instructions are also available here.

The online application system eliminates the current paper application and provides a more efficient way for contractors to complete and submit their prequalification application, annual update certifications and any application revisions (i.e., requests for additional work classifications, company name change, address change, etc.). The system allows contractors to check on their current application/approval status as well as maintain their application data history. The system also allows CTDOT to communicate with the applicant regarding questions and concerns related to their application.

Please be advised that subcontractors do not need to be prequalified. Only prime contractors bidding directly on CTDOT advertised projects must apply.

All prospective bidders must submit a Bid Proposal Request Form (aka Part C) to the Department for review and approval, to be eligible to bid on a specific project. Click here to obtain the Bid Proposal Request form.

For further information on prequalification and bidding with CTDOT, please email the Contracts Unit at or contact us at 860-594-3099.


