Subscription Information "Notice To Contractors" Publication

The "NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS" subscription consists of a weekly publication of highway and facilities construction projects out to bid.

This publication consists of bid opening dates, project descriptions, items, quantities, scope codes, set aside assignments, proposal requirements as well as the cost of Plans and specifications. In addition, this publication provides notice of addenda, postponements and other information relating to construction projects in general.

Please be advised that this subscription is available for a calendar year only (January 1 through December 31) for One Hundred Thirty Dollars ($130.00) and will not be prorated. For further information please call (860) 594-3129.

Please return a completed application form, together with a check made payable to "Treasurer, State of Connecticut" for the above amount, and mail to the address shown on the application form.

The Application Form may be printed out and used for submission to CTDOT.
