Share the Road CT: Pedestrian
Decorative Line
Pedestrians need to be careful of all vehicles
and never take chances.
Walk on Sdewalks
  • Walk on sidewalks and in crosswalks whenever possible.
    By law, pedestrians may not walk along or upon a roadway
    where a sidewalk is provided
  • If sidewalks are not available, walk as far to the side of the road
    as you safely can facing traffic – this allows you to see cars
    coming at you rather than having them approach you from behind
  • Obey traffic lights and walk signals.
  • Remember that trucks and buses make wide turns and
    occasionally run up onto the corner of the sidewalk,
    so it is important for you to be alert and be prepared to move back if necessary
Make Yourself Visible
  • Dress to be seen
  • Wear bright or reflective clothing, especially when walking at night
  • Carry a flashlight if you have one
  • As a pedestrian, you are not always visible to drivers;
    especially for large truck and bus drivers
Stopping Distances
  • Use caution when crossing intersections and streets

  • You may think vehicles will stop for you,
    but they may not see you or even be able to stop

  • Remember, some vehicles, such as trucks,
    need much more space to stop than passenger vehicles

Know Your No-Zones
  • Be careful of the blind spots, or No-Zones, around cars, trucks, and buses
    when walking near or around them, and
    never walk behind a car or a truck that is backing up

  • Always assume the driver does not know that you are there and
    that it is up to you to stay safe

For further information please:E-Mail to: Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator
or write to:
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator
P.O. Box 317546
Newington, CT 06131-7546