Administrative Decisions
Rendered AD – Never previously certified
Overall Plan – Never previously certified
Rendered AD - Existing Certificate
Overall Plan – Existing Certificate
Sample Local Traffic Authority Concurrence Letter
Sample Local Planning and Zoning Confirmation Letter
For questions regarding Traffic Volume Information, please contact Gary Sojka, Transportation Supervising Planner, at
Trip Generation Guidelines - October 2023
As of November 16, 2015, the following Engineering Bulletin must be considered in the hydraulic information/analysis submitted regarding major traffic generators. Engineering Bulletin EB-2015-2 (Precipitation Frequency Estimates) has been issued and posted on the Engineering and Construction Information Resources web page.
Please be advised that the Department separately regulates any work in the State highway right of way under the encroachment permit review process (i.e., utility connections, driveway curb cuts, etc.) The rendering of an AD does not preclude the need for an encroachment permit. CLICK TO VIEW MORE DETAILED INFORMATION REGARDING THE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT REVIEW PROCESS.

For further information, please contact: